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The Power of Expository Preaching

BY PETER MEAD | MAY 8, 2008 Following on from our discussions of the definition of expository preaching, lets take a moment to refresh on the power of expository preaching. When the Scripture is interpreted well and presented relevantly, there is great power. The Power of the Word of God It is hopefully a core conviction that the Word of God is powerful and living. It does not need to be made relevant or made powerful, it is powerful and it is relevant. Our job as preachers is to let that powerful relevance show. Our role is not to be forceful in our own thinking or philosophy, nor in our presentation of the opinion of others, but to effectively present the Word of God. The Power of the Authority of God Inasmuch as we accurately handle and present Gods Word, there is authority in preaching. This doesnt mean we have that authority in ourselves. Im not advocating heavy shepherding from the pulpit. As Augustine stated long ago, When the Bible speaks, God speaks. The authority is His. Hopefully our listeners will be like the Bereans and test what we preach against Gods Word, and then obey God (Acts 17:11). The Power of the Spirit of God Expository preaching, in my view, requires that we take seriously our task as communicators. We should be good stewards of the gifting, the calling, the opportunity. We should do all we can to communicate effectively, but always understanding that heart change is not to be found in the fields of persuasion, rhetoric, eloquence, etc. Heart change is the work of the Spirit of God. So as we seek to accurately present the Word He inspired, to the people He is working in, as a person He is empowering, then maybe heart change will occur!

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