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Suggested Advanced-Level Mass-Building Program By Mike Christian Source: Flex (July '88)

Monday-Thursday: Legs, Back, Biceps Hanging Leg Raise 2-3x15-20 Hyperextensions 2-3x15-20 Squats 5x6-8 Angled Leg Press 5x6-8 Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 5x6-8 (1 Day/Week) Deadlifts (Other Day/Week) 5x6-8 Barbell Bent Rows 5x6-8 Front Pulldowns 5x6-8 Standing Barbell Curls 5x6-8 Seated Calf Raise 5x10-12 Tuesday-Friday: Chest, Shoulder, Triceps Incline Sit-Ups 2-3x20-25 Machine Incline Press 5x6-8 Bench Press 5x6-8 Barbell Upright Rows 5x6-8 Smith Machine Front Presses 5x6-8 Triceps Parallel Bar Dips 5x8-10 Barbell Reverse Curls 4x6-8 Barbell Wrist Curls 4x10-12 Standing Calf Raises 4x12-15 Calf Presses 4x12-15 Notes: Warm-up with 2-3 high rep sets per bodypart Set Parameters (Doesn't Include Warm-Ups) 10-12 sets - large bodyparts 6-8 sets - small bodyparts Add 20-30 lbs. per set (50-75 for some leg & back movements) Do forced reps on 1-2 sets a week for large bodyparts only Eat 5 meals per day Take the following supplements daily B-Complex (Resp. for muscle mass gains) Vitamin C

Training Schedule: Intermediates- 4 day split Advanced- 3 On/1-2 Off

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