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MR. WONDERS All Students must bring pen/pencil, notebook, and Health book to class each day. No excuses! Be in your desk when the bell rings. Your grade in this class will be based on tests, quizzes, homework, and in-class assignments. Homework assignments can be turned in the next day for full credit. Each day an assignment is late, there will be partial credit received. The standard grading scale will be applied for this class. Topics discussed throughout the semester include: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Mental Health and Wellness Personal Health Nutrition Physical Activity Conflict Resolution/Healthy Relationships Safety and the Environment Drugs and Alcohol Tobacco Sex Education - Growth and Development - Preventing Disease

I would expect that you behave in a matter that is suitable for school. If you cannot, you will be removed from class and given detention. I would hope you work cooperatively with everyone in the class and treat all classmates with respect. YOUR HEALTH IS YOUR WEALTH

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