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Understanding of the central concerns is clearly demonstrated here. The issue of “human
nature and morality which provokes us to question ourselves” is taken in a rather
idiosyncratic way, but there is some depth of thought. The care with which aspects of the
text are chosen to illustrate Andy’s character shows knowledge of the text as a whole.


Characterisation is skilfully dealt with; theme, structure and narrative voice are understood
and commented on sensibly.


There is clear engagement with the characters and with the ideas of the novel, as well as
explicit expression of the candidate’s views.


The statement of intent at the beginning of the essay is adhered to throughout, and an
effective, if unusual, line of argument on the theme is developed. There is a good command
of language and critical terminology.

This response easily meets the requirements of the criteria in all areas. The concentration
on Andy, as opposed to Cameron, has allowed the candidate to follow the line of thought
fairly economically, without becoming enmeshed in narrative.

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