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2009-18983 ENG 5 G July 31, 2013 THE CUTTER

The cutter is a tool that is used to cut light materials (e.g. paper, cardboard) with minimal effort and ease of use. Unlike a conventional cutting tool like scissors, the cutter provides the user a safer experience on the process of cutting a specific object. The parts of the cutter includes: cutting wedge, hand grip, wedge slider, wedge lock, and wedge changer. The cutting wedge is made of stainless steel with dimensions of 0.75mm thin on the average, length ranging from 6-8 inches depending on the size of the cutter, and width of 1 inch. It is the primary part of the tool located inside the body. The hand grip, usually made from plastic, occupies almost the entire body of the cutter. The wedge slider is used to move the cutting wedge back and forth. Connected below the wedge slider is the wedge lock which serves as the locking mechanism of the cutting wedge. The wedge changer, located at the bottom of the body of the cutter, can be removed to replace the cutting wedge when it is not usable anymore. Below are the instructions on how to use the cutter. 1) Place the hand exactly on the hand grip as to avoid unnecessary accident when using the cutter. All fingers except the thumb must grasp the hand grip tightly. 2) Using the thumb, push the wedge lock to unlock it. 3) Slide forth the wedge slider to the desired length of the cutting wedge. 4) Once settled with the length of wedge, pull back the wedge lock.

5) Position the tip of the cutting wedge on top of the material to be cut. This material must be placed on top of a hard surface. The tip of the cutting wedge can be placed in the middle of the material if the material is folded. 6) Glide the cutter from top to bottom. Be wary that the result of the cutting process depends on the skill of the person using the tool. 7) Once done, pull back the wedge slider to hide the cutting wedge and lock it using the wedge lock ensure safety. Warning: Always observe safety and precautionary measures when using sharp objects to avoid accidents.

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