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Bridegroom (1) A person is likely to abandon his wife and children in his youth, if Saturn is placed in the I Ith

house. (2) If Saturn is placed in the 2nd house, the bridegroom shall not be auspicious for bride's family. (3) If Mercury and Rahu are together placed in the 3rd or the 8th or the 12th house of bridegroom, it shall not be favourable for the bride's family. (4) The man may be impotent if Venus and Ketu are together placed in the Lagna. (5) If Sun is in the 6th, Mars in the 10th, Moon in the Lagna, Jupiter in the 11th house, then the person is likely to squander away all his wealth in the activities of sexual vices. A similar situation is faced if Jupiter or Venus is in the 10th house and Jupiter or Moon are placed in the Lagna.

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