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1. In the Tibbet and Himalayan region, Brahmaputra flows at an average height of 400 eters for 13000 kms.

This highest for any major river in the world.

2. The mighty Brahmaputra is supposed to be on of the most powerful river in the world. Based upon the flow rate, Brahmaputra is the fifth strongest river in the world.

3. The Brahmaputra is one of those vwey few major rivers in the world which exhibit 'tidal bore'. It means incoming tides form waves that travel up the river against the direction of the current. This is what called a true 'tidal wave' in geography. This is one of the reason behind Brahmaputra's enormous strength.

4. 'Majuli', the largest island created by a river also resides in the Brahmaputra. This river island is situated in Assam and around 100 km in length.

5. The Brahmaputra along with Ganges create the largest delta in the world, Sundarban in Bangladesh.

6. The average width of Brahmaputra is close to 10 km in plains which is on the widest in the world.

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