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Election Committee 2013-2014 Application

Name: E-mail Address: Phone Number: Local (School) Address: Major: Year: The Election Committee is responsible for the administration and oversight of elections within Student Government, including but not limited to distributing election information, approving candidates campaign materials, and reviewing allegations of misconduct. The Election Committee will meet regularly throughout the fall semester and the first half of the spring semester. It is required that Election Committee members have flexible schedules (for the allegation review process) and are impartial in the upcoming elections. As the Election Committee serves mainly an oversight function, committee members are not able to hold other enumerated positions within Student Government, nor run for any office in the upcoming elections. Election Committee members may not study abroad during the 2013-2014 academic year. If you are interested in this position, please briefly answer the following questions. If you have any questions, please contact the Judicial Council at or visit us at Applications are due by 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 8th. Please turn in your application to the Judicial Council Office, 214 LaFortune, or email it to Interviews will take place on Sunday, September 8th. Please sign up for an interview slot outside the Judicial Council Office when you submit your application, or if you submit online please come by the office before 3 p.m. on Sunday, September 8th to sign up for a slot. Thanks for your interest in Judicial Council!

1. Why are you interested in serving on the Election Committee?

2. What are your personal strengths, and how could those strengths be an asset to the Election Committee?

3. What prior experience do you have with Student Government (not required)? Do you currently hold any Student Government position, if so what? Are you (or is anyone you know) planning on running for a position in the upcoming elections?

4. What are your major time commitments (academics, athletics, clubs, dorm activities) and what times during the week (and on weekends) are you free? How flexible is your schedule during the spring semester?

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