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University of Rhode Island Kingston, Rhode Island URI Collegiate 4-H Minutes of the August 17th Meeting The

URI Collegiate 4-H met at Washington County Fairgrounds behind the 4-H pizza booth on Saturday August 17th, 2013. Samantha Tickey, Christian McCrane, Katherine Morel, and Becky Chase were in attendance. Lauren Breene stopped by after the meeting to gather any missed information. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 p.m. with Samantha Tickey presiding. This was the first meeting of this organization, and therefore no previous minutes were read. Since we lacked a quorum several matters were discussed but no motions made or voted on. The first item on the agenda was discussing the mission statement of Collegiate 4-H and some goals we wanted to set for the upcoming year. The first item discussed was that next summer we wanted to try to obtain permission to sell the sunflowers grown at Peckham Farm for soil testing and donate all the profits to a charity of our choice. Next we discussed possible regular meeting times, but decided to postpone the matter until everyone got accustomed to their school schedules. Lastly, contact information for all the members was gathered and email and Facebook page information for the URI Collegiate 4-H was given out.

The members in attendance decided to set the next meetings time and location via email and the meeting was adjourned at 4:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted, X

Samantha M. Tickey

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