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Timar Eszter WORDS, WORDS, WORDS a 7 " bazoit, birt apevolabieremi6 drcelmeit ims Ttatinysis, aéketlen *betelé fordulé 9 gvanakvs ‘efekbbrenas " eoreasteds lekezels S tisreletien 'S veszekedds 'S gonosz, kegyetien ‘mags. "okie, eles ‘Srehetseges: ugyen Shulye *6szinte, eavenes, ‘mogbizhaté 2h hiséges **hiséges, kitset vii mellett S"komoly. jézan % vauozs hangulatd 2 kemor eddie 25 josefvd, Wkexd Vvendézszerei5 psugon M eefiemadss peau. sind ember 2 fovény ember Saieekws Sree Sletkusmeretes etikelt Tara, pares mentes Sfeldletes rabéletessGgre wes SMesée, kadare suber 5S fostoskod6 cmber Skivinest Mettes SSkomoly gondolkods *uisreleunds © jémodor 58561 beilleszked6 des, goromba ketkeds a0) {(_DeSCRIBINE: PEOPLE'S CHARACTER AN.) PERSONALITY } ey ana Relationship to athers Positive features: sociable, encouraging’ (to encourage), approachable? (to approach), open-minded, sensitive!, extroverted", sympathetic [simpa'detik), outgoing* Negative features: unsociable, indifferent’, egotistical, selfish, self-centred, introvert®, suspicious’, feeling superior", condescending [kondi'sendig}!" (vo condescend), patronising™ (to patronise), disrespectful", insensitive, unsympathetic, quarrelsome" (to quarrel}, aggressive and cruel! Neutral features: \onely!®, shy Intellectual ability Positive features: bright / smart / quick / intelligent / able”, talented / gifted"®, skilled? Negative fearures: unintelligent, slow, simple / simple-minded”, foolish /silly?', stupid, half-witted, dim J dumb", a genius (dsiznios)*, a moron {'moironP* Honesty. Posiuive features: honest | frank / sincere / truthful / trustworthy ['trast,wa:di] / straightforward, faithfuP”, loyal, open, direct Negative fearures: dishonest, unteuthul, insincere (insin’sia, disloyal, a crook, a cheat’ Moods Positive features: bappy, cheerful, jolly, optimistic, funny and talkative when they are in a good mood, serious, sober'!, an optimist Negative features: changeable, moody”, gloomy®, angry, hurt / offended, pessimistic or depressed when they are in a bad mood, a pessimist Neuirul features, melancholic (melan'kolik], a realist Attitude to money Positive featwes: kind, generous”, ready to share, open-handed, hospitable ChospitabalP, economical’, good with money, modest Negative features: money-minded, mean / stingy” [stinesi),tight-fisted®, a spendthrift'*, and a miser {maiza}*? Attitude to work Positive fearwes: ambitious", over-ambitious", successful, busy, hard-working (to work hard), conscientious [konJi'enfas|*, determined, creative [krieitiv], lazy, easy-going and laid-back!” Negative features: unsuccessful, superficial, a workaholic, a perfectionist®, a failure [feilio}, an eager-beaver"!, a busybody’ Altitude to the world Positive features: open-minded, interested, curious, enthusiastic lendjusza'sestik)*, thoughtful, reflective™, polite, courteous ('ka:tias}®, well-mannered’, well-adjusted™ ‘Negative feanures: narrow-minded, short-sighted, impolite, ill-manneted, rude f rough / course Neutral features; meditative, nostalgic, sceptical®® \ D sreatin * Look at the above classifications. Do you always agree that the features given are necessarily positive or negative? Think of situations when you would describe them differently. pedestrian, passenger, driver, noise levels, traffic jam, to get into a car, eyclist, motorist, the rush hour tw observe the Highway Code, Public transport, zebra crossing, 10 walk, 10 get ta 4 place on foot, to break the rules, traffic lights, pavement, road, to walk, to travel by bus, to follow the signs, bus stop, railway station, ta leam to drive, to ride a motorcycle, w cross the street, speed limit, vehicles, to fly a plane, to take a taxi, ta tum left and right, iniving licence, air pollution, 10 board @ ship, to pay a fine

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