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Design and Build Task

To be completed Task : In mixed ability groups, students are to create a house with an area of 100 metres squared and a perimeter fence of 60 metres. This house is to be built with screen shots taken along the way. The object of this task is not so much building, but more so selling. Students will then have to market and sell their house through a 4 page Powerpoint presentation.

Students must : Only have 40 minutes max to complete their building. The focus is not on building, rather on measuring and selling the properties. Share turns on Minecraft only two from a group at one time. The front computer may be used provided the screen is off and no one is distracted. Ensure they have a 60 metre perimeter fence and garden Take a number of measurements and screen shots and use them to sell the house.

Once the building has been complete, students are to create Powerpoints in order to sell their houses online. You may wish to look at what real estate websites discuss when selling a building. Students will take images of their buildings and use them to create a 4 page persuasive Powerpoint Presentation explaining why people should buy their building. Whilst this is going on and rotations are occurring, other students must complete the following linked tasks. Persuasive text explaining why their house is the best one to buy. A poster that they would hang up at the local real estate office selling their house (A3 using a range of printouts, oil pastels, whatever Use A3 grid paper to create birds eye maps of your land and buildings. Make sure that these are labelled.

Make sure you work as a team, share the responsibility and have a great time building and measuring.

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