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Apabila virtualbox mengalami kerusakan, pesan error yang di tampilkan pada saat start: VirtualBox Fix: "Failed to create

the VirtualBox COM object" Failed to create the VirtualBox COM object. The application will now terminate. Start tag expected, '<' not found. Location: '/home/lefty/.VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml', line 1 (0), column 1. Result Code: NS_ERROR_FAILURE (0x80004005) I think this was due to my home directory filling up over the night, and may or may not have been related to having a VM running at the time. I cleaned up my homedir to give myself some space but then I had this VirtualBox issue. I read all kinds of info about fixing this, but in the end it was very simple. VirtualBox had created a backup of my file a month ago or so, and I had no new VMs since then, so I was able to copy an older file into place and all worked out fine: cara mengatasinya,, buka terminal, tanpa masuk root said@mahdar:~$ ls -la .VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml* -rw------- 1 said said 0 Jul 19 01:57 .VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml -rw------- 1 said said 2507 Jul 19 01:51 .VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml-prev lalu copy file tersebut cp .VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml-prev .VirtualBox/VirtualBox.xml jalankan kembali virtualbox anda..

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