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Normative principles of the welfare state Introduction Why are normative questions important considerations in policy formation?

n? o Rawlsian understanding of justice being the first virtue of social institutions. Three main features o Social policy is comprehensive o The social entitlement principle has been institutionalized (in the form of social rights) o Social legislation has a solidaristic and universalist nature.\

Idea of universalism Universalism possesses two dimensions o Membership o Allocation Is universal as opposed to discretionary or selective policies that determine applicants eligibility based on humiliating and integrity violating investigations. In reality, require positive selective discrimination to assess needs to address inequalities. Primary function is to protect members against social risks. o Unemployment, illnessmatters of individual social rights. Arguments supporting universalism o Community building political inclusion o Reduce risk ecposure by pooling risk- risk of want, disease, ignorance, squalo and idleness o Human dignity o Economic and bureaucratic efficiency Means testing penalizes will to work and save, so cut back on administrative costs by eliminating this filtering mechanism.

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