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Classification of A Contract: (FROM) 1. As to perfection a. Consensual one which is perfected by mere consent (Art.

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b. Real Contract perfected by mere consent and by the delivery of subject matter. Ex. Deposit, pledge, or commodatum.

2. As to dependence to other contract. a. Principal one which can stand alone. Ex. A contract of sale, lease.

b. Accessory those which are dependent upon another contract. Ex. Contract of mortgage, pledge of guaranty. c. Preparatory those which is created in order that a future transaction or contract may be entered into by te parties. Ex. Contract of partnership or agency. 3. According to name or designation a. Nominate one which has particular name or designation such as sale, agency, etc. b. Innominate those without particular name. 4. According to the nature of obligation a. Unilateral where only one ha an obligation to perform. Ex. Contract of donation, commodation. b. Bilateral where both parties have reciprocal obligation to perform. Ex. Sale. 5. According to risk involved a. Commutative - where there is an exchange of values, such as lease. b. Aleatory - one which the fulfillment of the obligation depends upon chance. Ex. Contract of insurance. 6. According to cause a. Onerous one which imposes valuable consideration such as sale, mortgage. b. Gratuitous one which one of the parties does not receive any consideration, such as commodatum. 7. According to form a. Oral by word of mouth of the parties b. Written the agreement which is reduced in writing public or private or private document which may be valuable

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