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Chickenpox diseases is very common in is not cause severe symptoms.Varicella -zoster virus is te cause of Chickenpox diseases.

Chickenpox is the first infection of that virus which is occur mostly in children than shingles mostly seen in adulthood and elderly people.

The virus infection approximately after 14 days it can cause symptoms in the body (10-20 days ) before occurs mild fever,malaise and anorexia.The disease usually start with mild fever,malaise.But the main symptoms of chickenpox is skin eruptions.Before skin starts to be pink ,can be seen red coloured shapes in the develops spontaneously.Chickenpox is more severe in adults than in children.f chickenpox is passed in the first 3 months of pregnancy ,it can cause congenital anomalies.

Careful examination of the skin ,can be immediately diagnosed with chickenpox.f someone contact with someone how had chickenpox ,can be directly to the diagnoses because of chickenpox highly contagious.

Basically treatment for chickenpox is prevent infection and for ithcing should be used lotion for and daily cleaning of the body also important for the prevention of infection.Cleaning of the body is necessary to prevent bacterial infection ,Children with high fever may use antipiretic syrup.n those children should not be given aspirin in anyway.Because Reye's syndrome is a serious complication of using aspirin in children.t can cause loss of liver function and cause fatty liver.with the loss of consciousness leading to come or even dead.

Modes of Transmission
Chicken pox is a highly infectious disease is a disease. Communicability period of 1-2 days before the rash starts. This direct contact with the infected rash. In addition, the so-called droplet path is transmitted by air. So if child lives with someone in the same household ,High possibility of contamination of Chicken pox.

Ways of Protection
First it is important to avoid contact with patients suffering from chicken pox.Children suffering from chicken pox should not go to the school until the end of infection.And other way of protection is vaccine If you are older than 12 years with an interval of 1 month still to be made to one of the 2 doses of vaccine should be administered. If your child is with chickenpox is contagious within the first 72 hours at a time only if contact with the disease have the vaccine can protect him. In addition, varicella-zoster immune globulin as a method of passive protection (VZIG) may be used. Again, this is one of your child's contact with the patient 96 hours after the first application is protective.

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