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Helado Ingredientes: de una taza de leche entera 1 cucharada de vainilla de taza de leche evaporada 3 cucharadas de azcar

Utensilios: 1 bolsa pequea de a kilo 1 bolsa ms grande Sal gruesa Hielo Taza o una copa

Procedimiento: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Todos los ingredientes se meten en la bolsa pequea. Se cierra la bolsa pequea con todos los ingredientes previamente combinados A la bolsa grande se le colocan los hielo y se le coloca la sal gruesa Se mete la bolsa pequea en la bolsa grande Con una toalla se mezcla los ingredientes dentro de la bolsa grande con hielos

Ice Ingredients: cup whole milk 1 tablespoon vanilla cup evaporated milk 3 tablespoons sugar

Utensils: 1 small bag of a kilo One larger bag Coarse salt Ice Coffee or a drink

Procedure: 1. All ingredients are simmered in the small bag. 2. Small bag closes with all ingredients combined previously 3. A big bag of ice are placed and placed coarse salt 4. You put the small bag into the large bag 5. With a towel mixed ingredients into the large bag with ice


Three quarters of a cup of whole milk 1 tablespoon vanilla A quarter cup of evaporated milk 3 tablespoons sugar

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