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Sistemas en la Organizacin

Paula Quijano

Qu son?
Los sistemas en la organizacin son los diferentes tipos de Sistemas de Informacin que utilizan las empresas para eficientar y facilitar los procesos. Hay muchas diferentes opciones, algunas de ellas son:

Executive Support System (ESS) Management Information Systems (MIS) Decision Support System (DDS) Knowledge Work Systems (KWS)

Office Systems (OS)

Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

Executive Support System (ESS)

An Executive Support System (ESS) is software

that allows users to transform enterprise data into quickly accessible and executive-level reports, such as those used by billing, accounting and staffing departments. An ESS enhances decision making for executives.

Management Information Systems (MIS)

A Management Information System (MIS) is a

broadly used and applied term for a threeresource system required for effective organization management. The resources are people, information and technology, from inside and outside an organization, with top priority given to people. The System is a collection of information management methods involving computer automation (software and hardware) or otherwise supporting and improving the quality and efficiency of business operations and human decision making.

Decision Support System (DDS)

A decision support system (DSS) is a computer-

based application that collects, organizes and analyzes business data to facilitate quality business decision-making for management, operations and planning. A well-designed DSS aids decision makers in compiling a variety of data from many sources: raw data, documents, personal knowledge from employees, management, executives and business models. DSS analysis helps companies to identify and solve problems, and make decisions.

Knowledge Work Systems (KWS)

The Knowledge Worker System (KWS) is a

computer application designed to help knowledge workers (professionals who use information as their primary input and whose major products are distillations of that information) to capture and organize work activity information, and to learn, prioritize, and execute their tasks more efficiently and effec-tively.

Office Systems (OS)

oftware that an organization uses to administer

operations that are not related to any direct sales effort (such as a salesperson with a customer present) and interfaces that are not seen by consumers. In direct contrast, a front office application would be a customer interface, (whether used in person or through sales personnel) that facilitates a sale or the processing of a transaction.

Transaction Processing Systems (TPS)

Is an information processing system for business

transactions involving the collection, modification and retrieval of all transaction data. Characteristics of a TPS include performance, reliability and consistency.

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