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Name: Yeison Stiven Gongora Solano Specialized 1 group 15


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This news is about a group of researchers who created the first high-resolution 3D digital model of the human brain, which they called "Big Brain". To do this possible, they had to slice 7,400 sections from the brain of a deceased 65-year-old woman. After that, the team had to stain each slice to bring out the anatomical detail and scan them into the computer in high definition. The final step was to reassemble the scanned slices inside the computer. This process took ten years, but the results were amazing because the scientists can study areas of interest within the brain in microscopic details. One of the applications of this one is that the psychiatrists will be able to scan the brains of patients to learn more about eating disorders. Nowadays, there are many initiatives like the big brain, because the governments of industrialized countries are concerned with the ageing population and because the disorders of the brain and mind such as dementia and schizophrenia and depression are a major burden on society.

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