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What Affects Climate?

Science words: Tropics Polar zones Temperate zone

Determined by averaging weather over a long period of time- at least 30 years

Temperatures on Earth
Range from -89.2 degrees C to 57.8 degrees C

Factors that affect a regions climate:

Latitude Topography Oceans and lakes Ocean currents Air mass

Latitude Affects Climate

Latitude close to equator receives most radiation Tropics:
Region between latitudes 231/2 degrees north and 231/2 degrees south

Polar zones:
Solar energy hits at low angle Polar ice reflects radiation Never really warm

Temperate zones:
Between tropic and polar zones Moderate

Topography Features Affect Climate

Mountains and large bodies of water affect climate Large cities -change weather patterns

Large Bodies of Water Coastal regions:

Warmer in winter, cooler in summer


Same latitude: Mountains climate cooler then sea level Less air molecules to absorb radiation

Ocean currents Moisture

Winds blowing from sea
Contain more moisture then land

One side of mountain is cooler then other Other side can contain a desert

Coast have wetter climate

Prevailing winds blow to coast

Large Cities Affect Climate

Radiation strikes
Areas of vegetation
Radiation energy evaporated

City areas
Streets, parking lots, and buildings absorb radiation energy Heat up and radiate heat into atmosphere Car exhaust traps heat
heat island

Large buildings
Change local winds and precipitation patterns

Climate Types
Science Words:
Adaptation Hibernation

Climate Classification
Climatologists- study climates use method to classify climate types 1918 Wladimir Koppen- observed types of vegetation region depends on climate of area

Koppen Climate Types Climates in six groups

Tropical mild dry continental polar High elevation

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