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Reading Strategies Review

Consider for a moment the strategies you will put into play this semester. Try to utilize them as you approach the literary texts you will read.

1. Multiple readings: read the material more than once, preferably twice before class and once after class discussion. Each time you read, you will understand more. Please remember that for every class meeting, you should be spending approximately two and half hours of study time outside of class. 2. Use of dictionary: dont overuse. Let the context guide you. Look up words that are absolutely essential to understanding the reading, but dont litter your page with English translations of the Spanish. The introduction has some useful contextual information. 3. Make yourself an outline of what you have read; this will be a good study guide for the exam and help you prepare for class discussion. 4. Keep a list of specific questions you would like answered in class. 5. Let your professor help you--if you dont understand, get your questions answered now (in class or outside it). Dont wait till right before the test.

Focus on:
El asunto--whats the play about? (Es la historia de); try to synthesize the asunto in a single phrase. Who are the main characters (personajes), and what is their relationship to one another? Write out a brief synopsis of the plot (la trama). Los temas--at the end of the play, make a list of the themes, and organize the list from mostimportant to less-important themes. Express each theme in a complete manner; el amor or la muerte dont give enough specific information. Las estrategias textuales/El estilo--what techniques does the author use to communicate the themes and plot? Think especially of the imagery employed, the use of metafictional techniques, etc. As you move from the level of plot to the level of theme and style, you will find yourself moving toward a more sophisticated and analytical approach: youll be exploring not merely what happens but how it happens. Think of the reading strategies you have used in other classes and try to apply them to reading in Spanish.

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