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using System; using System.

IO; namespace Chap9_A1 { class Schedule { struct details { public DateTime Date; public string Appointment; public string Time; public string Day; }; private details Testdetails; static FileStream F; StreamWriter W; StreamReader R; //Method to get data from the user and writing it into the file. public void Getdata() { string Duedate; Console.Write("Appointment Date (MM/DD/YY): "); Duedate = Console.ReadLine(); Testdetails.Date = Convert.ToDateTime(Duedate); Testdetails.Day = Convert.ToString(Testdetails.Date.DayOfWeek); Console.Write("Appointment with: "); Testdetails.Appointment = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Appointment Time: "); Testdetails.Time = Console.ReadLine(); F = new FileStream("MyFile.txt", FileMode.Append, FileAccess.Write); W = new StreamWriter(F); //Writing data into the file. W.Write("Date: "); W.Write(Testdetails.Date.ToShortDateString()); W.Write("?"); W.Write("Day: "); W.Write(Testdetails.Day); W.Write("?"); W.Write("Name: "); W.Write(Testdetails.Appointment); W.Write("?"); W.Write("Time: "); W.Write(Testdetails.Time); W.WriteLine("?"); W.Flush(); W.Close(); } //Method to display all the records from the file. public void Display() { string Str; F = new FileStream("MyFIle.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); R = new StreamReader(F);

Console.Clear(); int Pos = 0; //Code to diplay the data on the console in a proper format. while ((Str = R.ReadLine()) != null) { while (true) { Pos = Str.IndexOf("?"); if (Pos == -1) break; Console.WriteLine(Str.Substring(0, Pos)); Str = Str.Substring(Pos + 1); } Pos = 0; } R.Close(); } //Method to search a particular record on the basis of the date. public void Search() { string Str, Chkstr1, Chkstr2; DateTime DD; int Pos; F = new FileStream("MyFIle.txt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); R = new StreamReader(F); Console.Write("Enter Date (MM/DD/YY): "); DD = Convert.ToDateTime(Console.ReadLine()); //Code to fetch the data from the file and diplay it on the console in a proper format. while ((Str = R.ReadLine()) != null) { Chkstr1 = "Date: " + DD.ToShortDateString(); Pos = Str.IndexOf("?"); Chkstr2 = Str.Substring(0, Pos); if ((Chkstr1.CompareTo(Chkstr2)) == 0) { while (true) { Pos = Str.IndexOf("?"); if (Pos == -1) break; Console.WriteLine(Str.Substring(0, Pos)); Str = Str.Substring(Pos + 1); } Pos = 0; } } R.Close(); } static void Main(string[] args) { Schedule S = new Schedule(); int Ch = 0; Console.Clear(); while (Ch != 4) {

Console.WriteLine("1. Add Appointments"); Console.WriteLine("2. View Appointments"); Console.WriteLine("3. Search"); Console.WriteLine("4. Exit"); Console.Write("Enter Choice: "); Ch = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (Ch) { case 1: Console.Clear(); S.Getdata(); Console.Clear(); break ; case 2: Console.Clear(); S.Display(); Console.ReadLine(); Co nsole.Clear(); break; case 3: Console.Clear(); S.Search(); Console.ReadLine(); Con sole.Clear(); break; case 4: return; default: Console.WriteLine("Invalid input."); break; } } Console.ReadLine(); } } }

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