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Peru espringtaime festival Representeicion of birds in de espring festival off Trujillo Peru is a multicultural country and therfor has

varius festivals dad occur trughout de national territory complitly diferent among them. The internacional espring festival in Trujillo maid presenteicions of estep jorses. Dere is a show chalan and yur parner to paice of marinera. De estrets and de houses of de colonial city of Trujillo ar adorn to witness de parad of flouts wich is heded by the cuin of espring ju continius de biutis foreign and domestic Plais: Trujillo, freedom Dait: September uan tu October tirthy. De most important events ar de crouing of de cuin of espring, de constest of paso horses de parad of cuins foreing and de espring parad dad runs trugh de mein trugferes of de citi and where visitors delaigt wit the manovers of de guaripolas, de festival clouses with the corso and a greit celebraicion organaized by the laions clab. Beauty quin weiving to de public in de corso in de espring in trujillo

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