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Andrea Ialenti

Email: Mobile: 3894552906


Graduated in Automatic and Computer Engineering at University of L'Aquila, I have always been fond of computer science, programming, internet and other nerdy stuff :). After some disadventures, that took some years of my life, I decided to continue my master studies in Computer Science Engineering at the University of Padua (the same place where Galileo Galilei "graduated" a long time ago!). I worked in a Web Marketing Agency, You-n, as a Web Applications Developer. This gave me the opportunity to collaborate with some international brands and to experience how to work in stressful situations. During my freetime I love programming softwares, reading books, playing videogames and photoshopping!


Java CSS C/C++ STL Network Security Photoshop jQuery LaTeX Vyatta


JavaScript HTML Web Development Web Application Security Android Development Linux Node.js Svn


Self Employed
01 / 2011 - Present

Software Developer
I love programming, I developed and I am developing a ton of applications like Android videogames, websites etc.

04 / 2012 - 10 / 2012

Web Applications Developer Junior

The Agency gave me the opportunity to collaborate with some international brands and to experience how to work in stressful situations.


Universit degli Studi di Padova

Master's degree , Computer Engineering

2012 - 2014

Universit degli Studi dell' Aquila

2006 - 2011

Dottore in Ingegneria Informatica e Automatica , Informatica e Automatica

Certifications Languages

ERASMUS IP Secure Web Applications 2012/2013

04 / 2013



Autorizzo il trattamento dei dati personali contenuti nel mio curriculum vitae in base art.13 del D. Lgs. 196/2003

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