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Plural Forms of Compound Nouns

In general we make the plural of a compound noun by adding -s to the "base word" (the most "significant" word). Look at these examples: singular plural a tennis shoe three tennis shoes one assistant headmaster five assistant headmasters the sergeant major some sergeants major a mother-in-law two mothers-in-law an assistant secretary of three assistant secretaries of state state my toothbrush our toothbrushes a woman-doctor four women-doctors a doctor of philosophy two doctors of philosophy a passerby, a passer-by two passersby, two passers-by Note that there is some variation with words like spoonful or truckful. The old style was to say spoonsful or trucksful for the plural. Today it is more usual to say spoonfuls or truckfuls. Both the old style (spoonsful) and the new style (spoonfuls) are normally acceptable, but you should be consistent in your choice. Here are some examples:

old style plural (very formal) teaspoonful 3 teaspoonsful of

new style plural 3 teaspoonfuls of

truckful bucketful cupful

sugar 5 trucksful of sand 2 bucketsful of water 4 cupsful of rice

sugar 5 truckfuls of sand 2 bucketfuls of water 4 cupfuls of rice

Some compound nouns have no obvious base word and you may need to consult a dictionary to find the plural:

higher-ups also-rans go-betweens has-beens good-for-nothings grown-ups

Note that with compound nouns made of [noun + noun] the first noun is like an adjective and therefore does not usually take an -s. A tree that has apples has many apples, but we say an apple tree, notapples tree; matchbox not matchesbox; toothbrush not teethbr ush.

With compound nouns made of [noun + noun] the second noun takes an -s for plural. The first noun acts like an adjective and as you know, adjectives in English are invariable. Look at these examples: long plural form becomes plural compound noun [noun + noun] 100 trees with apples 100 apple trees 1,000 cables for telephones 1,000 telephone cables 20 boxes for tools 20 tool boxes 10 stops for buses 10 bus stops 4,000 wheels for cars 4,000 car wheels


singular baseball bedroom cornflake fireman sidewalk maidservant handful spoonful plural baseballs bedrooms cornflakes firemen sidewalks maidservants handfuls spoonfuls

Examples : TWO WORD OR W/ SPACE ( COMPOUND NOUN ) first sergeant sergeant major deputy librarian assistant secretary master mechanic cup of tea lieutenant general board of director first sergeants sergeants major deputy librarians assistant secretaries master mechanics cups of tea lieutenant generals board of directors

Examples : WITH HYPHPEN ( - ) NOUN ) DIRECTION: Give the

plural form of mother-in-law each compoundmothers-in-law noun. Answer court-martial courts-martial only. C.W.
brother-in-law brothers-in-law forget-me-nots editors-in-chief


1. master sister-in-law
forget-me-not station editor-in-chief aide-de-camp

mechanic 14. bus sisters-in-law

2. forget-me-not 15. assistant aides-de-camp secretary passer-by passers-by


3. fireman 4. cup of tea 5. handful


16. maidservant 17. eggshell 18. Drug store 19. officer20. master of

6. aide-de-camp in-charge


8. Lieutenant General 9. Board of Director 10. Editor-in-chief

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