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Astrological Predictions for Aug. 28 - Sept.

4, 2013 (Central Standard Time, USA)

Aug. 28 - Aug. 29 Virgo Sun Square Gemini Moon / Mars enters Leo Spontaneous flashes of insight flood the air as you engage in interesting discussions with close friends and lovers. Arguments may ensue if politics of the poor is discussed. Depersonalize yourself if you find yourself getting too upset about touchy topics. Be lighthearted in serious discussions to strengthen meaningful relationships. Aug. 30 Sep. 1 Ceres enters Virgo in Conjunction with Sun and Mercury You are inspired to advocate for the underdog. Now is not a time to be miserly or bitter about those who are vulnerable and struggle to empower themselves. Lend a helping hand, and do not judge, for in return, you will receive an abundance of love in your heart that cannot be purchased. Sep. 2 Sep. 3 (Labor Day) Leo Moon Conjunct Leo Mars / Quincunx Neptune in Pisces Energy and emotions are synergized. There is a sense of purpose with a clear direction. This energy is particularly beneficial for the art of persuasion. Forge new pathways with vision, boldly, by sharing your values with others to inspire them onto greatness in their lives. Listen to others even though they may not share the same vision as you or youll get burned. Sep. 4 Sep. 6 Domicile Mercury Sextile Venus in Libra A doorway of opportunity has opened up in the arena of love. Words of poetry overflow from your subconscious. Communication is at an all time high where affection is concerned. Tears of sentimentality and joy burst forth without provocation. Speak sweet words to yourself and those you love in an intimate setting.

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