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02 03 Single Report Template Cabinet Member delegated decision/ Officer delegated decision/ Cabinet/ name of Committee Decision Due

/ Date of Cabinet/Committee: Report title Wards: All Report Authorised by:Strategic Director of ABC Portfolio: Cabinet Member XYZ{relevant only for cabinet reports} Contact for enquiries: Some Officer, With Some Title, Some Area, 020 7926 5555

Report summary Ideally one short paragraph of 120 to 150 words (10 to 12 lines maximum) what is being proposed and why. Do not repeat under the context para. If there is an accompanying part II report, explain here the reasons for exemption from disclosure. {Also include a 125 character summary suitable for tweeting by Democratic Services} Finance summary One short paragraph of 100 to 120 words (6 to 10 lines maximum) to cover: How much does it cost, and when? How is the Council paying for it? Capital or revenue?} State: none arising from this report, if this is the case. Recommendations (1) (2) (3) To take some action. {draft recommendations carefully} To take some further action. To do something else.

1. 1.1 1.2 1.3

Context MANDATORY: DO NOT DELETE OR AMEND TITLE OF THIS SECTION. One or two paragraphs only on the background and current situation (not the full history). Please state how the purpose of this report relates to the community plan 2013-16, council policies and any required legislation or government objectives. Quote any previous decisions (e.g. Cabinet (xx.xx.13 report xx/13-14) agreed - - ). In particular draw out relevance to the cooperative commissioning council. Proposal and Reasons MANDATORY: DO NOT DELETE OR AMEND TITLE OF THIS SECTION. Explain what is proposed and why, options considered. Reasons for the recommended decision should be included. Explain this in two to three paragraphs. Where there are options, explain why some were selected and some rejected. Remember to ensure the necessary decisions are covered in the recommendations. Finance MANDATORY: DO NOT DELETE OR AMEND TITLE OF THIS SECTION. The purpose of this section is to ensure clarity regarding sufficiency of budgets, and comprehensive presentation of all cost implications. So please would you (as required): Engage early with your Finance Business Partnering Accountant to inform and assist in drafting financial implications (at time of early report drafting, more so if a complex report) When the report is finalised, please email to FinanceClearance with five days notice, where Business Partners and Senior Accountants will pick up (if necessary, they will consult with Strategic Finance directly) Ensure revenue budgets are identified clearly (i.e. which cost centre, investment programme, or grant?) Ensure capital resources are identified clearly (i.e. project code, original cabinet/committee report, details of funding body, s106 agreement, revenue code if contribution) Ensure costs are presented fully and completely Costs should be distinguished between capital and revenue, and the revenue implications of capital investment should be explicit Should budgets not be sufficient to cover costs, then the source of additional funding needs to be identified (e.g. agreed budget virements, or grants secured) If grant funded, include any time limitations or whether the grant is paid up front or claimed on evidence If income generating activity, then is the additional income to mitigate pressures or a new income stream? Legal and Democracy

2. 2.1


2.3 3. 3.1 3.2



MANDATORY: DO NOT DELETE OR AMEND TITLE OF THIS SECTION. COMMENTS REQUIRED FROM DIRECTOR OF GOVERNANCE AND DEMOCRACY (OR RELEVANT LAWYER). This paragraph helps ensure the Council operates within the legislative framework and safeguards against costly legal challenges. Specific legal powers and advice provided by the) on how to exercise them. Depending on the subject of the report it will need to be cleared by the relevant lawyer (see Section G of Making and Reporting Decisions). COMMENTS ALSO REQUIRED FROM DEMOCRATIC SERVICES (DEMOCRATIC SERVICES MANAGER OR RELEVANT DEMOCRATIC SERVICES OFFICER). Comments will include Forward Plan, pre-decision publication arrangements. Consultation and co-production MANDATORY: DO NOT DELETE OR AMEND TITLE OF THIS SECTION. In making decisions and co-producing services, engagement is key. This section enables the consultation that has been undertaken to be highlighted. Include a summary of the views received from external consultation. Risk management [MANDATORY: DO NOT DELETE OR AMEND TITLE OF THIS SECTION.] Identify potential risks associated with the options and the proposed course of action. Equalities impact assessment [MANDATORY: DO NOT DELETE OR AMEND TITLE OF THIS SECTION]. Refer to the equalities lead officer for your department for advice. For Cabinet reports, append the equality impact assessment (EIA) or justification form setting out why an EIA is not relevant at this stage (this will be as agreed at the member-led Corporate EIA Panel); set out any key equalities issues and mitigations identified through the EIA. For other reports, set out any identified key equalities issues and mitigations. Please keep to one paragraph. Community safety [MANDATORY: DO NOT DELETE OR AMEND TITLE OF THIS SECTION.] Needs to beconsidered by law (Crime & Disorder Act 1998, Section 17). Organisational implications The following sections must be considered, but are optional and each should be deleted if not relevant to the report. If there are no organisational implications, state None.


5. 5.1

6. 6.1

7. 7.1

8. 8.1



Environmental Keep to one paragraph, if needed.


Staffing and accommodation Keep to one paragraph, if needed. HR must be consulted on any potential implications of staffing or accommodation.


Procurement Keep to one paragraph, if needed. Cover Gateway 1- 3 process, and any key procurement information and considerations. Detailed procurement information will need to be provided in the relevant internal procurement report; be sure to append to this report.


Health Keep to one paragraph, if needed.. In respect of policy reports, how does the policy meets the priorities of the health and wellbeing strategy and what evidence there is to support the proposed actions in the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA)?.

10. 10.1

Timetable for implementation MANDATORY: DO NOT DELETE OR AMEND TITLE OF THIS SECTION A simple timetable to show the stages and deadlines for implementing the recommendations preferably as a table. List of measurable aims and outcomes with the date by which they should be achieved


Audit trail Consultation {This is important as it shows that consultation has been undertaken in the preparation of the report and provides a quick reference point for specific comments. It is important that officers remember to liaise with relevant councillors such as the Cabinet Member and the relevant Ward Members.} Name/Position Department or Date Sent Date Comments in Organisation Received para: Strategic Director Legal Services Governance and Democracy Democratic Services Governance and Democracy Finance Councillor Cabinet Member for Councillor Ward Councillor External For internal reports, list internal meetings where issue has been considered

Report history Original discussion with Cabinet Member Report deadline Date final report sent Report no. Part II Exempt from Disclosure/confidential accompanying report? Key decision report Date first appeared on forward plan Key decision reasons Delete as appropriate

Democratic Services to complete Yes/No Yes/No EITHER 1. Will amend Community Plan Outcomes Framework or Budget and Policy Framework OR 2. Expenditure, income or savings in excess of 500,000 OR 3. Meets community impact test Cabinet report ABC Committee report DEF

Background information Insert headings for a few main public documents you have used or referenced to write this report. This is a legal requirement. For Cabinet reports, insert hyperlinks Do not list private documents (such as OB reports) Appendices If (in rare circumstances) appendices are essential to the understanding of the report, list titles here. Ensure that appendices have proper titles.



I confirm I have been consulted on this report: Signature ______________________________________ Date ________________ Post TYPE FIRST AND SECOND NAMES AND POST TITLE (IN FULL) HERE

I confirm I have been consulted on this report: Signature ______________________________________ Date ________________ Post TYPE FIRST AND SECOND NAMES AND POST TITLE (IN FULL) HERE

I confirm I have been consulted on this report: Signature ______________________________________ Date ________________ Post TYPE FIRST AND SECOND NAMES AND POST TITLE (IN FULL) HERE (OFFICER OR CABINET MEMBER)

I approve the above recommendations: Signature ______________________________________ Date ______________________ Post TYPE FIRST AND SECOND NAMES AND POST TITLE (IN FULL) HERE (OFFICER OR CABINET MEMBER) Any declarations of interest (or exemptions granted): Issue Interest declared

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