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Our brilliant student Talita Mazzola is from Iju and studies Journalism at Uniju.

She is 22, loves writing, cinema, literature and rock nroll! How long you are a Kingsway student: for one year. Best trip ever: to Bahia last summer, where I had a unique experience working at Rondon Project. Would like to visit: London. Hobbies: Reading, writing, watching films and TV series. Best quality: I think its complicated to define myself. I believe one of my qualities is being responsible and commited. A fault: I am impatient. I have my own rhythm and I like things to follow it. Cant live without: Music and books. Favorite food: As a good Italian, I love pasta. Likes to listen to: Rock and Roll. A book: Rage of Angels, by S. Sheldon. A film: My favorite TV serie is Supernatural. Films I prefer the classic ones: Brave Heart, Star Wars. I also like Harry Potter and a more recent one, Batman the Dark Knight. Why I study English: Besides being an essencial language for the global society we live in, it is essencial for trying a Masters degree. I have a personal enchantment for the English language. A future plan is spending some time in the US or Europe to study, not only the language but taking courses in my area as well. Why I chose Kingsway: Different activities for students, great material, fantastic teachers, the school is beautiful and modern. All that plus a very affordable price makes Kingsway the best choice. Today I recommend this school for everybody! A quote: I am as you see me. I can be as light as a breeze or strong as the wind. It depends on when and how you see me passing by. C. Lispector

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