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First scene

Cesar: Hi Amancio, how are you? Amancio: Hi Cesar, well I feel bad Cesar: Why!? What do happen to you? Amancio: I think I'm sick; I need to see a doctor Cesar: I know a good doctor. She is Carolina Kelso, take, go and make an appointment. Amancio: Oh! Thanks you Ada, I'm going right now

Second scene
Amancio: Hi, I'd like to see the doctor, please. Cesar: Do you have an appointment? Amancio: No. Cesar: When would you like an appointment? Amancio: Is today possible? Cesar: Yes. Today is fine. What time would you like? Amancio: I wonder if I might be able to see the doctor right now. My Head is killing me. Cesar: Please wait a moment. I'll see if the doctor is available. Amancio: OK. Cesar: Shes with a patient. It's probably going to last another 10 minutes. Would you mind waiting? Amancio: No problem. Cesar: May I see your insurance card please. Amancio: Here you are. Cesar: Thank you. Okay all ready, sit down, I'll call you Amancio: Thanks

Last scene

Daniel: Hello Mr. Marn. Amancio: Hi Doctor. Daniel: How are you feeling? Amancio: I don't feel good. Daniel: What's bothering you? Amancio: I have a backache and a headache. Daniel: Where does it hurt? Amancio: Here. Daniel: Do you have fever? Amancio: No, I don't think so. Daniel: OK. Let me look at your throat. Open wide. Amancio: Ah Daniel: When did it start to feel this way? Amancio: Last week. Daniel: I think you have a virus. It might be flu. I'm going to give you a prescription for some medicine. Amancio: Thank you. Daniel: Try to get some rest, and be sure to drink lots of water and orangejuice. Amancio: That's what I'll do Doctor.

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