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Thing 12

1. Pre-Assessment
Not to be completed

2. Create a Survey with Google Forms

Below is a mock survey I might send out to students enrolled in German prior to or directly following an information session on a German exchange program. I modeled the questions on the German program from my high school.

Thing 12

3. Create a Rubric using Rubistar

A rubric such as the one above could be used in a speaking activity in a German class where students recount a fairy tale from the Brothers Grimm (an activity covering cultural context, speaking skills, and grammar skills). This rubric could be edited to fit any level of German by adjusting time and complexity requirements. Rubistar itself will be a handy tool, one I remember high school English teachers using often. It saves time on formatting rubrics, and gives good suggestion for what students should be evaluated on.

Thing 12

4. Complete FEHRPA/HIPAA Quiz and Research Data Warehouses

Quiz completed

I knew many of the answers, and those I got wrong erred on the side of caution. Nevertheless, I would likely refer back to this quiz when in doubt about FERPA rules in a particular instance. Data Warehouses Data Warehouses provide a wealth of information about schools. From enrollment to test scores, dropout rates to college attendance, one can find, view, and analyze a district. While this is helpful for teachers working in a particular school, it can also be a boon for new graduates applying for positions at various schools in the state. A school is certainly more than mere statistics, but analyzing the data can give one an idea what kind of school one is applying to, and what kind of teachers they will be looking for.

Thing 12

Thing 12

5. Post-Assessment
Not to be completed

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