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TestSuiteLoader 1.

When the Suite gets Loaded we Set all the Loaction Where the Logs needs to be placed and the Access to the Shared Location. 2. Also if the Logs are not Shared then we by default Locations for Logs will Re main Fixed we we set before execution. 3. In case the Logs are Shared then first we create the Folders where in we can Make Folder where the Logs are created for Current Execution for both shared and Local Folders. 4. Now we check the Configuration files to check the details from which xls we n eed to look for Script names and the Sheet to refer so that we run those chunk t hat was present in the respective sheet if the Value is not been set then it tak es the By Default Value. 5. And finally we set the location of that xls from where we can load our test s uite. . TestCaseData 1. Now From Loader we have the location of xls and the sheet which we need to re fer So from Loader we call a function in which we try to get the Names of all th e Testscript along with there manual test case name Which we need to run and sto re them in a global variable which we can access through out our framework. 2. There is a Configuration file if we set true in it and specify the name of an y particular test case in the configuration file then instead of the Entire Chun k only those Test Cases will get executed that were present in the Configuration File and the Global variable is updated with the Same. Otherwise the Entire Chu nk gets Executed that was present in that sheet. 3.

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