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Historical evidence found etched on obelisks, clay tablets, papyrus and books recorded for posterity the exploits

of man ever since he has learned to conquer and invade other kingdoms. From the ruins of Sumer, the militaristic legacy left by the Spartans, the exploits of Rome and the birth of the Renaissance period. Down the pages of history, rulers great and small, like as Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, Napoleon Bonaparte, King Henry VIII and Adolf Hitler have special women who serve them as special liaisons, envoys, viceroys, a mistress, personal shrink, therapist and secret confidante in a world where the outcome of a war and invasion is being determine by the acts committed by the most brilliant men whom these rulers trusted most. Kingdoms, empires, dynasties, sheikdom and fiefdom of humanity were built, financed and maintained by the treasures and wealth looted from the spoils of war and tyranny. Covert spying performed by mistresses and trusted allies are an important tool employed by these rulers to secure victory over a war. Kingship were transferred, uprooted, defeated, crumbled, abandoned and forgotten. Man reverted back to being an idiot, until he is being picked up from his knees, undergoes retraining, reeducation and taught the art of going to war with other tribes. Trophies of war were lost in the mist of time save for a few rubles and relics that were buried in the sands, reclaimed by nature and submerged at sea , forgotten until some curious seeker, adventurer or a neophyte archeologist stumbles on the ruins left as a testament of the grandeur of the man's conquest. Kingdoms were united, split, reunited and alliances were forged through marriages of warring factions and collusion with a powerful mistress such as Cleopatra and the Queen of Sheba for purpose of political gains and expansion of territories and beyond borders. For every ruler, and tyrant who oppressed people for centuries or freed men from bondage of slavery, there is the overt presence of a mistress by the ruler's side, who manipulated behind the scenes, a brilliant strategist, tactician or a wall flower listening to the ruler as he plans the destiny of the lives of thousands under his fingertips.

Mistress magic charm and services are sought by ordinary men and rulers alike ever since men learned to fight and go to war with his fellow men. Why? Mistresses are excellent pleasure givers and strange bed pillows that cushioned men from the impact of different issues in daily governance of their territories and nations. Men want to be entertained, adored, appreciated of their efforts and victories. They desire a an alluring mate, a good listener in bed, empathizes with their plans and views - a highly specialized menu in a form of a seductive woman upon their sight. A Mistress provides an invisible strength and inspiration for a married man that a wife is has none.. Mistresses are here indefinitely unless there is an antidote to cure the spell they weaved around their chosen victims and paramours. Mistresses provide a unique excitement and color to a dull life of a ruler and make the life of a wife a living hell What is a Mistress? A mistress is a single or married woman who chooses to be a kept woman in a forbidden affair with a married man. The de facto contract entails provision of sexual favors, listening ears and in return for her services, she will be supported financially plus additional benefits and mouth watering perks depending on the capacity of the married man and his willingness to provide her comforts and luxuries that befits his station in life. The sexual contract is exclusive and monogamous on the part of the mistress, but not on the married man, so long as the agreement is in force. Who seduced whom? The married man is the one who seduced the woman to be his kept woman or it can be the other way around or both. What form of seduction is bartered?

The married man will barter: Money The excellent motivator and commodity to bribe and buy loyalty, at least for the time being as long as the cash keeps on flowing. Power It signifies clout, importance, information, influence that can help guarantee a network of friends, business connections or political opportunities. Sanctuary Is a form of safe haven that may translate into a refuge for a troubled single or married individual who want to escape from poverty, social issues, emotional turmoil, chaos and intrigues of the life that revolves around the mistress.

Education Education is a very tempting commodity that a married man may offer to a woman, it will translate to a legacy, a means of finding a job. Redemption Women suffering from financial meltdown, legal battles, foreclosure of real properties, drug addiction, substance abuse and vices will be seduced to take the offer of a married man with disposable cash, affordability and capacity to finance her wants, pay her debts, sustains her filthy habits and addiction. The mistress marketing tools are her: 1, Body A good supple body shape is the most tempting commodity a woman may possesses, and seldom any married man can refuse or walk away from such temptation. The younger and sexier is the woman, the better are her chances of a successfully marketing her body on married men who wanted to devour younger flesh in a form of sexual performances in bed. 2. Seduction Is the mistress ability to project like as a very tempting aperitif that made a married man salivates with so much fervour. Sex appeal and to act in seductive fashion and sweetest abandon is what drives the testosterone of married men into hyper drive. 3. Sex Top caliber performance in bed that would make any man grasping for breath and wanting for more. 4.. Brains Married men even if some are mindless cretins are attracted to a woman who has brains, smart, eloquent and assertive of her opinions and views in life. If both can reach a fair deal the de facto contract may be possible. You may wonder why sometimes a smart woman chooses the life of a mistress? She may have decided to join the long line of kept women because the benefits outrank the risks or she may be in it, for the fun and adventure.

Characteristics of a Mistress: Good seductress A woman oozing with sexual appeal and can melt a mans knees and loins are one of the finest qualities that a married man is drawn to. Young and Pretty No old married frog holding a fat wallet, possessing pea size brain will get attracted to an old wrinkled hag, is the universal consensus. Men regardless of his status in life always desire to be in the company of a younger woman who shall validates and re affirm their male potency, make them feel young again, and preferably having a scatter brain. Master manipulator A woman who enters the gates of forbidden affair is a clever schemer. She will grab and takes advantage of every opportunity that translates into money and power. She will use her body as a leverage, seduction to get what she is greedy of, and uses different ploys to arouse empathy on her married lover or twirl him around her finger and make him follow on her every beck and command. . Good listener Married men languishing in forbidden affairs may face constant bombardment of domestic issues at home. The monotonous routine, the boring monogamous arrangement and the bickering of a wife is enough excuse to drive any man into the gates of hell. He may seek the company of a woman who knows when to give him the space he needed and knows when to shut or open her mouth at the push of a button. Description of a typical mistress She is a self centered selfish ego maniac obsessed on the fulfillment of her goals. She wont care how the others fared or affected in the pursuit of her personal self serving agenda, so long as she being provided of her wants and needs and she get the attention she readily sought.

Descriptive analysis on the life of a mistress A mistress life is a trek in the wilderness buried with landmines. The offer of mouth watering perks does not negate the dangers that a mistress might endure despite of the laughter and fun she shares with her married boyfriend. Every step she takes brings her closer to the perils of danger. A mistress is invisibly balancing on a tight rope when the result of her spending is felt by the aggrieved family. There may be a grieving angry wife, and a scorned woman out there seeking revenge for what should be rightfully hers to spend and splurge. The life of a mistress is uncertain, similar to a roller coaster ride, there are high and lows. The status of a mistress offers no security and future unless the man she has an affair with, is stinking rich and will voluntarily make separate arrangements to appropriate funds for a secure and comfortable nesting ground of his woman when something happens that will force the relationship to an end.. Most extra marital affairs is only good and valid so long are both are equally happy -- where the mistress is delivering top quality performance in bed, and the man keeps the cash flowing. A mistress status is mostly temporal and transitory. Stress and public ridicule are the bartering chip she will embrace and endure depending on how she manage and handle public perception in regards to her actions. Whatever the deal is, a mistress has to follow certain protocols to avoid an explosive scandal, conflicts under the scrutiny of public eyes. This is to establish diplomacy and to avoid legal battles that may arise from such forbidden affair. The art of properly dealing with your role as a mistress without violating the parameters and limitations of your role is a must for preservation of status quo of the people concern and the society you are dealing with.

The Etiquettes for a Mistress:

1. The forbidden affair is transitory, temporal, and uncertain hence, be logical and never attempt to talk the married man into leaving his family. 2. Be discreet. Even if people will call you names behind you back and brand you a whore, act with humility, sophistication and proper breeding. Do not act and talk like a perfect bitch just because you are immerse in a slutty life. 3. Be impersonal. Do not meddle on his familys affair. Keep your hands off from them. Do not encourage him to discuss domestic issues of his family with you. The lesser you know - the better for your conscience and ego. 4. Do not present and inveigle yourself into a compromising position as his official consort in social engagements and business functions. That position is strictly a role exclusive for the wife. 5. Family vacations, birthdays, anniversaries are to be spend exclusively with his family. Do not steal those precious moments from them. Play the perfect diplomat, pretend, smile and send him off to enjoy and celebrate the occasion with them 6. Maintain your own circle of friends, independent from your paramour, and do not mix the two worlds together. Make an effort to spend bonding moments with them. Get a life of your own separate from the world you shared with him. A mistress must not do: Do not fall in love with your married lover. Do not put much faith on his promises and protestations of love, loyalty and sacrifices. The words he uttered are dictated by that intoxicated thing hanging in his loins, not his pea size brain. Do not bear his child. Your child will be stamped an illegitimate production. It is not fair for him or her to suffer for your foolishness and selfishness. Spare the child the shamed. Anticipate the worst; Your married lover might just terminate the illicit affair without so much as a warning or prior notice.

He might die unexpectedly, and you will be left in the cold. Tips for survival:: Save for the future. something. Set aside money in the bank or invest into

Find work if you are jobless or if you got one, take care not to lose it. Excise yourself from the river of sin, if you have are willing to change the gears. Keep the friendship if you are not that cold selfish bitch and he is not a jerk. It is your life, not mine and you live it the way you wish. I am not playing devils advocate, whatever is your justification, motive and excuse, it boils down to one thing, you are committing a grave offense against his family. When the excitement and thrill of your conquests wears off, common sense will start to penetrate your clouded mind, guilt feelings and remorse will drive you down, but that is for you to discover.. I am not going to tell you how to salvage your life. Do you like the vocation and profession you chose? Is it your destiny to be a mistress is you choice, your call. Do the math.. or try to reflect back on your chosen career and consider the possibility of getting back your self respect, self worth and self confidence. How? The clues are emancipation, freedom, peace and contentment. .

What is Love?

Love is a concept, ethereal, infinite, beautiful, everlasting, boundless and transcends beyond human understanding and wisdom. Love comes in different forms. My topic will delve exclusively on the love that grows, blossoms and shared by couples of the opposite sex. Interaction is the catalyst for all different forms of relationships. An interaction is first initiated by an interesting glance of the interesting party, towards the pursued object of interest, followed by an attempt of the pursuers interest to find ways to initiate a conversation. Once the conversation is successful, and the pursued party shares more or less the same level of keen interest towards his/ her pursuer, an interaction is transform into a form of mutual affection ng bartered together which is , classified as a form of attachment. The conversation may branched out in different directions depending on the desire and the level of interest and it may rise to a birth of a host of different emotions altogether. Dating is being proposed on the table and both parties agreed to meet on a specified date and place.. Dating is an act of bonding together for the purpose of getting physically together in order to get a familiar feel of the person. It is an act to pursue venue to know the object of your affection more, through an act of spending time quality time together, create bonding moments to pursue common interest and affection you feel for each other. Not all dates lead to an affair, Some dates die a natural death because one or both parties lost the interest to pursue the other. An affair includes feelings of affection for the other person and lust as well. Yes you need to lust for the object of the other person in order to chase hi/ her towards the ends of the Earth or towards the gates of hell. Lust is only after the pursuit of carnal desires of the flesh. Lust does not include the infusion of a host of emotions that seeks intimacy. Intimacy is reserve for those who are seriously looking for a physical and mental connection with another person. Dating is an avenue to know the different facets of the personality of the object of your affection. It will reveal up to a pointthe good and not so bad qualities, habits ,views and outlook of the person

Both parties must share a chemistry or bond of some sort to ignite a feeling of curiosity to seek each other further beyond the communication channels..

When the chemistry exploded, intense heat is generated called lust. Physical attraction and lust are two peas in a pod that glued the man and woman to be with each other. A man must be physically attracted to a woman and is lusting for her in order to chase her to the ends of the Earth. The woman must also feel equally the same and chases the man towards hell when she is sexually attracted and is lusting for him. But of course to run after each at the ends of the Earth and into the gates of hell, the feelings generated for each other is must be magical and is not only confined on lust, love must exist in a relationship in order for man and a woman to do the impossible. Men are more focused on visualization and the physical looks of a woman is what draw them to chase her, her brain comes last. A woman is more after on personality compatibility although looks is also important too. When a woman and a man are physically attracted and drawn to each other, they will start to share the same need to be physically closer to each other often, goes intimate and will seek fulfillment of their shared intimacy by kissing and having sex. A one night stand is not a relationship neither an affair, it is the pursuit of carnal desire. If the couple shares common interest, their personality complemented, enjoying the same type of activities, mentally wired together, the affair has a bigger chance to jump to the next level. Not all sexual relationship leads to a serious affair. Most couples only reached on the level o lust. Lust is primordial, healthy men and women physically drawn to each other, also lusted for each other hence the sexual act. Women go after a man for sex because she desires intimacy. Men go after a woman for sex because he lusted after her. For an affair to past the stage of lust, it needs more than the presence of physical attraction. Lust will only last for a season. Lust is exclusively limited and confined on the magnet of the physical attraction. Once the adrenalin of chasing the object of a lust subsides, the chase is done and over with, and the object of the hunt capitulated, the hunter is thus satiated and the excitement of the chase subsides. Lust is more on the fulfillment of the needs of the flesh. Lust is a shallow feeling and It does not seek a deeper intimacy towards the person having sex with.. Intimacy includes lust but lust does not necessarily entail inclusion of intimacy. A person can lust after another person without being intimate. In lust the emotion is separate from the sexual act. It is put in a separate box.. Sex is the fulfillment of a lust and not all couples who have sex together shared intimacy. Intimacy is sex with emotions thrown together. Intimacy is more than the sexual part and the sexual act shared. Intimacy is a manifestation of a deeper emotional attraction, the desire to seek each others company, to spend time with each other not just the sexual part. A person will seek intimacy towards the object of her/ his affection when he is drawn to the charm of the personality of the other person. The intense interest and desire to know the person deeper, his uniqueness, habits, interests, his likes and dislikes. What makes him happy, sad, mad and crazy. To seek bonding moments with him/ her and to spend more time discussing each others interests, daily activities and views in life.

Dating is an avenue of knowing the other person better, and it also reveals the different facets of personality of the object of your affection. There are shared moments of high and lows. An engagement period is a time for revelations. Hidden facets of the personality of your lover will be revealed fully if you have discerning eyes and observant brain to dissect the greatest trait and the ugliest habit or attitude. What if it is long distance love affair? I tell you it is not love, if you have two have not meet yet for real. If you have met already and he went back to his kingdom, how can an affair survive the long haul? Constant communication is the most important tool to let the other know he is being thought of every minute of your day. If communication slows down and ceases, then the affair is gone. If he comes back for you, or if you are ordered to go to his kingdom, it means the affair is called love. What are the symptoms of Love? You might be falling in love: 1. If you can not come up with any practical reason why you want him or her in your life. It is what you can do for the person and not the other way around 2. 3. If you are cannot excised him out of your system for several months or a year. 4. If it is a long distance love affair, if you missed him so bad like you gonna die or go crazy of wanting him. 5. If you started to care for him, worried about his health and whereabouts, concern for his welfare and safety and pray he is safe from harm 6. If you still are crazy about him despite of his not too good habits and not too admirable traits. 7. If you sexually lusting for him without end. 8. If you cried buckets of tears. 9. If you are practicing monogamy, no sexual partner besides him. 10. If you can imagine doing the impossible in order to be with him. 11. If you are ready to sacrifice your life in order to spare him /her death. An affair goes through many stages, sometimes it dies after taking off because either couples lost the interest to nurture it. When an affair is able to withstand the test of time, separation, distance and both couple still choose to stay together, be with each other and perform selfless act for the benefit of the relationship then perhaps they have reached the highway towards possible real Love. Love is accepting and welcoming your ideal mate into your life inclusive of the person's shortcomings and imperfections and without preconditions. Acceptance of the truth, the whole package of rose and thorn -- who the person is, and not what he is, without the need to change and mold him into someone else.. Your ideal mate is perfect, but the man you hooked up on you bait fell short of the standard you set, that is when you make allowances for your lover. in the end it boils down, to two choices, delete him

or follow your heart, but never entertain the notion of refashioning your man into something that only exists in your mind. I tell you it is a dead end chase, you will be frustrated.. When two people come together and become intimate with each other, a relationship is thus formed. During this stage the relationship is in for a test -Testing the waters calls for adjustments, compromise and patience. For an affair to pass the tes,t entails sacrifices, understanding and to think outside of your box. This is the evaluation stage whether to go plunging on the cliff or balancing on the precipice.

What are the signs of Love: Love does not lie. It is only after the pursuit of the truth. Love does not deceive. Love does not include acts of deception. Love involves trust and respect.
If only all relationships are built first over friendship, there will be less stress and obstacles for lovers. Friendship is always the best avenue to start an intimate relationship for there is less pressure and need to impress the other. Actions, dealings will be real, natural and spontaneous. When friendship is established, in due time respect is gained. Trust is the aftermath of respect and it needs time because the person has to earn it from you.. Trust and respect are two peas in a pod. Sex is a tool we used to express how we felt for our partner. Love is another thing, it is all brain work. The brain fell in love beyond the scope of the body of the person he is lustingwith. The brain is the one that fell in love and the body acted what the brain perceives through intimacy, sex and bonding moments.. The pitfalls of an Intimate affair: 1. Jealousy is a symptom of possessiveness. People felt it because humans are naturally territorial in nature. It is how you dealt with it and not to become its slave. 2. Pressure is a form of overt control. Never force your lover to do something if he is not expressing his willingness to do what you want him to, and do not also allow your partner to control you in return. 3. Insecurity is a sign of immaturity, the lack of self confidence to feel being worthy, and absence of logical thinking to critically evaluate his/ her shortcomings. 4. Dependency is losing your own identity. Do not lost it. Freedom of movement is best maintained if the affair is to carry on. What does it take for a relationship to go beyond the borders of an ordinary affair? It is not just an ordinary affair if both couples are doing more than what is expected of them. When it can withstand the test of time and both are contemplating commitment. Men and women alike will not easily give up their independence without putting a hard fight. If you are being included in his/ her plans, itinerary , cross your fingers, you are heading past the road of ordinary affair. .Many people use the concept of love to take advantage of their partners vulnerability, emotions and economic status in life. However you paraphrase it, whatever excuses you come up with ---- it could never be love: 1. If your partner is emotionally, verbally abusive towards you. 2. If your partner is turning into a parasite, gives you so much stress and drains your strength.

3. If your partner is bleeding your wallet, draining your wealth and sucking out your resources 4. If your partner is being manipulative and trying to alienate you from your long time friends, family business associates and goes hysterical if his/ her needs is not being addressed and try to emotionally blackmail you with tears. 5. If your partner is too young, enough to be your granddaughter or grandson. It is cradle snatching and foolishness. That makes you a predator and a prey.

What is love then: 1. Love goes beyond the physical, it transcends beyond words. It entails sacrifices given willfully and freely without pressure and emotional blackmail. It will not try to bribe the way into your heart with money or sex. 2. Love are those little act of kindness and gestures that made the person smile and think she is the luckiest woman in the world. 3. Love is patient. It is more than willing to wait. 4. Love is being considerate and honest with your partner, without the need to ferret out the truth. 5. Love is having trust and immense respect of the object of your attention. 6. Love is when he / she bring out the best in you. 7. Love is not selfish neither self serving Love is is the most intense emotion --- you will be inspired and filled with optimism and only think of positive things, but it can also be draining at times. Total commitment is given without asking for it, united and firm in their conviction and belief to do whatever it takes, however it takes to make the relationship work and succeed. Dropping your ace on the table, gamble your heart, give out your trust based on blind faith. Yes you need to take that big leap of faith to know what love is.

Religion is the most dangerous, toxic propaganda created by man. It traps the mind of the masses inside a box, enveloped in a cocoon of ignorance and blind obedience based on a belief of some concept of the existence of a God, without full cognizance of its genesis, and the implication of the future of the lives of his ascendants in the future.. Religion sells the concept of the existence of divine creator, soul, salvation, resurrection, punishment and forgiveness of sins. All religions in the world capitalized the name of a God to attract followers, advocates, fanatics into its creed and dogma and to imprison the minds of members in a state of dependency. However, the hidden agenda of the designers of religion is for profit, enriching its coffers, overt control of the masses and to secure faithful followers for world wide financial clout via its religious organizations.

The most powerful and rich religious organization on Earth is the Catholic Church established 70 years after the death of Jesus. It is also a business corporation that owns large pharmaceutical companies and a conglomerate of corporations in diverse fields of business. The source of the amassed wealth has been generated from their two thousand years of pillaging, confiscating and looting other countries of their resources, decimating its local inhabitants on the pretext of going to war in the name of Christ. The birth of Islam in 300 A.D, added spices on a teapot, in the 1990s gaining popularity and attracting world wide worshippers, surpassing Christianity. It is the exact opposite of Catholic Church for it does not have a rigid structure aimed for commercial profiteering. It target all sectors and its radical members recruit volunteers who can be easily mind controlled for sinister plots to bomb and annihilate anyone and any organization who is a threat to their religion and cause. According to its teaching, married Muslim men can have many wives and a Harem. Polygamy is practiced by men but a wife is monogamous and subservient to the wishes and authority of her husband.. The God of Islam is a male chauvinist sympathizer. Men are on a pedestal and women are consigned as second class citizens or companions. Men can play but women must stay loyal or risk being stoned or beheaded. Insurgents and anyone who is threat to their religion must be killed and it is mandatory to go to war in defense of your faith. Suicide bombers are martyrs that Muslim God found pleasing, the self sacrifice of a life is a reward of 72 virgins in heaven. Judaism is very old, and was established during the time of Moses under the command of Yahwehs iron fist. Gentiles are considered pigs to the ultra right wing Hebrews. They are forbidden to marry outside of their faith. They consider themselves as Yahwehs chosen people and act like a perfect fit. It made sense, for ethnic Jews are mighty intelligent, smart, clever businessmen, obstinate and ornery just like Yahweh. Arrogance and philosophical is second nature to them. They love to spread their seeds to every nook and crannies of the planet without the benefit of legitimizing their children or making an honest woman of those they sired with. Wherever they go, they become stinking rich and the local inhabitants become subservient to them in terms of economic and academic status. Adolf Hitler, partly of Jewish bloodline, an illegitimate son lost his marbles and went on a rampage when he was rejected from a Jewish school because he is not pure breed and poor. About 6 million ethnic Jews were systematically gassed in 1940s and terminated because of the hatred spread around. All religions are flawed and self serving. They professed they are worshipping the most powerful, omnipresent, all knowing God. Yet their Gods are exhibiting the symptoms of psychological misfits. His God is bi polar, a control freak, a war freak, bloodshed addict, racist, and suffering illusions of grandeur. To top it all, their Gods forgot to teach mankind the most important commandment next to worshipping him. The Gods omitted the transmission to mankind to give respect, reverence and love for Mother Nature that sustains him since the dawn of his existence. The three biggest religions in the world today like Judaism, Christianity and Islam are in direct conflict with each others dogma, creed and belief, but all claimed they worship the right God.

Let us part the cobwebs of the past and began our search for understanding on the source of conflict of religions by digging under the ruins of Sumer the cradle of human civilization. Sumer is located in the southern plains of Iraq It suddenly blossomed, and developed out of nowhere without any precursor more than 5,000 years ago with developed written language, set of laws for governance and laid down the code of conducts for social order and religion was borne. The ancient Sumerians is cognizant of their written history, where and how humans came out to be. The thousands of clay tablets unearthed by archeologists in Sumer bore witness to what happened way back when man i\was engineered to what he is today and how the our solar system were borne. Sumerians possessed the book of the epic of creation called Enumah Elish, it is where the Book of the Old Testament of the Hebrew get the source of its information and stories of the book of Genesis, as well as some written records of the old patriachs you found in the Bible. Because of the development of the written language from Cuneiform , Akkadian to Semitic many names from Enumah Elish are slightly changed or substituted in the old testament Bible with another name but still if you study it closely, they are the same people. In the book of Genesis , God created Adam and Eve in order to honor and glorify them, in Enumah Elish it stated they created humans to be their slave and follow their bidding, more or less basically the two different traditions are singing the same tune.. In the book of Genesis, Yahweh seems to be bi polar for his actions and decisions are in conflict with each other. In Enumah Elish it explained why, because there are two major Gods, instead of one, and they are half brothers rolled into one in the Bible.

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