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Is it more difficult to be unemployed when you're older? Why? Is unemployment a problem in your country?

? Can people in your country get unemployment benefit? What's the best way to find a job?

If it is difficult for an older person, be unemployed, because most of jobs require young people, active people, the experience of older people is important, but young people have updated knowledge, too, young people are more adaptable in the work. Unemployment in our country, if it is a problem, but not as much as in other countries, our country is economically stable; hence, companies do not have the need for lay off workers. Unemployed people in our country do not have benefits, but in other countries such as Chile, the unemployed receive a bonus, until they obtain a job. The best way to find a job is through newspapers and the Internet, but also, the person must be competitive to get a job faster.

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