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5090281 Mr. Morgan World Lit 26 October 2010 Out of gas!

Of all the possible times to run out of gas! It was nighttime, pouring rain, I was miles from the nearest house, and the only thing I had for comfort was an old kerosene lamp, handed down to me by my eccentric uncle. Braving the heavy rain, I quickly stepped out of the car to remove the lamp from the trunk, and took out the spare bottle of kerosene I always keep with me. Taking the matches out of my bag, I lit the match and brought it close to the lamp. As the lamp lit, a horrifying howling noise erupted and filled the air, and I heard spine-chilling shrieks all around me. I shuddered violently and got into the car with my lamp, slamming the door behind me. The car seemed strangely bright, and there was no darkness in my car at all. Outside my car though, the wind was howling and strange crackling noises were going around my car in circles. I pulled my raincoat from the backseat, and slowly opened the door. It creaked open slowly, and the crackling noises suddenly stopped. I started walking towards the nearest motel, but I still felt something was awkward. Everything was strangely bright around my lamp, and nothing was shrouded with darkness. After I had walked a mile or so, the brightness really started sending chills up my spine. I held up the lamp to my eyes and found a small inscription on the side. I whispered it to myself slowly. Ruoy wodahs si evila. My uncle had taught me this language at one of our short visits, and immediately I was surrounded by a blanket of darkness. The breath was being forced out of my lungs, and slowly the light was fading from my eyes. In my last few seconds of life, I realized the brightness. My dark side my shadow had come to life.

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