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Unit 7 Ids

For each word: 1) define it 2) explain how it fits into APWH Themes
1. Humans and Environment Interaction 2. Culture and Development Interaction 3. State Building, Expansion and Conflict 4. Economics 5.Social Structures

3) draw a picture that represents it 1. John Locke 2. Jean-Jacques Rousseau 3. Olympe de Gouges 4. Mary Wollstonecraft 5. Alfred Dreyfus 6. Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette 7. Divine Right of Kings 8. popular sovereignty 9. The Social Contract 10. coup detat 11. nationalism 12. Congress of Vienna 13. realpolitik 14. Waterloo 15. Luddites 16. Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels 17. laissez-faire

18. trusts & cartels 19. utopian socialism 20. proletariat 21. bourgeoisie 22. zaibatsu

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