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May 17th 2013 Plaintiff cpanel :

1- When I tried to update I received this message ,(please select defender) which is right . First there is no place to add defender . second must not build a case without defender .and that must be before the case was build ( in the form of building a new case )

2- in document : where can I add a new document ? I could not find place for that ?

3- invite link still the same you did not fix it i need to invite member like face book as I described many times

6- invite member must be like face book (build audience ) in pages

4- delete link .there is a condition to delete the case ( the other side must approve) you need the other side to approve deletion . for example , if the plaintiff delete the case must receive a message tell him he needs the approval of the defendant : message : (a message has been sent to your main opponent to approve deletion ) the opponent will receive a message : message : your opponent suggest deleting the case ,to complete this deletion please go to your cpanel and delete the case from your side )

5- when I click the button view this page it took me to the my feed page ( my main feed page ) and not to my court room . and nothing was updated

court room page

1- the link of change side is not there .please bring it back as was in the last copy and active . 2- invite friend as I described above .

File a case : 1- there is no name field of the defendant ,secondary defendant ,lawyer,and witness. 2- The email was received by the defendant was :

wajdy to me

10:01 AM (18 minutes ago)

Hello, I filed a Case against you and would like you to attend the trial as a defendant . you are already the main admin in your court room part . Information of the Case: subject:- contract not completed , Summary:- test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test testtest test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test t defender name:- wajdy

Click Here Kind Regards, Juspax

Comments on this email:

defender name is not wajdy ( wajdy is the plaintiff here and who send the invitation) must tell the names of the defendant and plaintiff . there is no Unsubscribe

3- Click Here take you to the same cpanel page before you sign up while you have to sign up first ,then go to the defendant cpanel and that have to be with every invitation. 4- The defendant cpanel is the same as the plaintiff cpanel and that is not right. As the defendant has to write his summary and description and do everything as a defendant and that must show on his side in court room . check the document (Juspax Query 20130418) 5- All the invitations take to the same plaintiff cpanel : check the document (Juspax Query 20130418) 6- As a member and a lawyer I need jury and till now I could not . In the member page there is no link to invite jury . check the document (Juspax Query 20130418)

I could not test others like jury page ,lawyer page ,witness page ,and secondary because are not exist as pages or as cpanels

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