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Country Programme Type Programme Title Agencies involved Year started Programme Description Programme Objectives Transfers

Bolivia -1 Pure income transfer old-age pension Bono Dignidad or Renta Dignidad Government of Bolivia 2008 (initially launched as Bonosol in 1997) Universal To redistribute to citizens reaching 60 years of age, an income transfer from the proceeds of the privatisation of utilities, and to increase the incomes of these groups in old age. Bono Dignidad preserves the non-contributory nature of the Bonosol scheme. From 2007, annual payment increased from US$258 (1,800 Bolivianos) to US$344 (2,400 Bolivianos). Can also be collected monthly, quarterly, biannually or annually depending on beneficiaries needs. Age of qualification is now lowered from 65 to 60, and the restriction of the Bonosol scheme to citizens born before 1975 was dropped. 676,000 beneficiaries (489,000 under BONOSOL) Categorical There are not impact studies available since its introduction in early 2008.

Target population and coverage Selection of beneficiaries Monitoring and Evaluation Evaluation results Cost Implementation Issues Programme and Evaluation Sources

$267.2 million (1.7% of GDP) in 2008 The decision to increase the amount received by beneficiaries and the removal of restriction for assistance increased the annual cost of funding to approximately US $205 million. The scheme is financed by privatization funds and 30% is funded by the hydrocarbon production tax. Hamill, E. (2009) De la Solidaridad a la Dignidad: Grassroots Participation and Bolivia's Universal Social Pension Scheme, Institute for the Study of the Americas, School of Advanced Study, University of London, available at: Martinez, S. [2005] Pensions, poverty and household investment in Bolivia, mimeo. Posted at Muller, Katharina [2008] Contested Universalism: from Bonosol to Rental Dignidad in Bolivia, in International Journal of Social Welfare (17) 1-10


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