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topic: PHRASAL VERBS (Mixed - Part 2) For each sentence, choose which phrasal verb fits best. 1. How do you ________ the rise in crime this year?
a) account for b) account in c) account to

2. Do you feel like playing soccer? = Are you ________ some soccer?
a) up for b) up to c) up with

3. My girlfriend and I ________ last month.

a) broke through b) broke in c) broke up

4. If you're telling someone to ________, you're telling them to relax.

a) calm out b) calm down c) calm in

5. This is the time of year when stores ________ their prices, so you can get good deals.
a) mark on b) mark through c) mark down

6. My girlfriend and I had a big fight yesterday, but we ________ almost immediately.
a) made up b) made in c) made on

7. When I ________ on my life, I don't regret a single thing.

a) look back b) look down c) look through

8. ________ the grass! Can't you see the sign?

a) Keep out b) Keep on c) Keep off

9. The other runners had a hard time ________ with him during the race.
a) keeping out b) keeping on c) keeping up

10. He will ________ doing it until you tell him to stop.

a) keep on b) keep in c) keep to

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topic: PHRASAL VERBS (Mixed - Part 2)

ANSWERS: 1)a 2)b 3)c 4)b 5)c 6)a 7)a 8)c 9)c 10)a

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