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June 2013

Dear Eighth Graders and Parents,

We would like to take this opportunity to let you know how much we are looking Iorward to working with you in the
coming school year. Our goal is to make our students` Iinal year at H.M.S. enjoyable and challenging, while providing a
smooth transition to the high school. We have high expectations regarding academic perIormance and citizenship.
We look Iorward to seeing you at our open house on September 18
, where you will hear more Irom the individual
teachers and have the opportunity to ask questions. In the meantime, have a happy and healthy summer!
Below is the 8
grade schedule Ior 2013-2014:
7:50-8:50 Math, Science, Social Studies, or Language Arts
8:50-9:50 Math, Science, Social Studies, or Language Arts
9:50-10:50 Math, Science, Social Studies, or Language Arts
10:50-11:15 Lunch
11:15-12:00 UniIied Arts (World Language, Art, Health Science, or IA)
12:00-12:45 UniIied Arts (World Language, Art, Health Science, IA, or Study Hall)
12:45-1:40 Math, Science, Social Studies, or Language Arts
1:40-2:25 Band/Chorus/Study Hall
We suggest you purchase the Iollowing materials Ior your child to start the school year:
glue stick
loose-leaI lined paper
metric/English ruler
colored pencils
scientiIic calculator (local stores have one Ior under $15.00)
1" binders with dividers Ior each subject
For World Language class students need:
1" binder and dividers
water bottle
Students may receive 20-30 minutes oI homework per subject per night. Please take this into consideration when planning
extracurricular activities and weekly calendars.
Rod Corey, Megan Rice, Bill Shardlow, Steve Simonton, and Ira Warshaw
Claudine Hladky, Mirella Boggio-Roberts, and Paula Vicenzi

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