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A - Day 1 - Back & Biceps Deadlifts - Marklyft Bent over rows - framtbjd rodd Seated Rows - sittande rodd

DB standing outter curls - stende hantelcurl Alternating DB hammer curls - alternativ hammarcurl Isolated BB curls (or with EZ bar) - isolerade curls med stng

B - Day 2 - Abs & Shoulders Standing barbell overhead press (or standing DB overheard press) DB lateral raises DB bent over lateral raises Alternating DB front raises Dragonflags Russian twists with plate - Russian twists med viktplatta Ab crunches (ab machine ONLY) C-sit position leg raises (addition to machine ab crunches)

C - Day 3 - Legs & Calves Squats - knbj - progressive increase in weights (see the deadlift set plan below) Leg press machine Seated quad extensions (ben spark) Standing Calf press one leg Seated Calf Raises with machine Leg press machine calf raises

D - Day 4 - Chest & Triceps Bench Press Incline bench press DB chest flies EZ bar skull crushers Dips Overhead DB raise ----------------------------------------------

Days: Low freq: AxBxCxD High freq: ABCDxxx ...

Fr bic och tric behvs egentligen inte mer n tv vningar, fast 4x10 istllet fr 3x10. Don't reallyt need more than two exercises fr biceps and triceps, but do 4x10 instead of 3x10. Nr man gr rodd med hantel, rotera hanteln When you do one-handed bent over rows, rotate the dumbbell while going up.

Month 1: 4x8-12 Month 2 (started week 14 2013): 5x5-7 Month 1 (started week 8 2013): 4x8-12 ---------------------------------------------Deadlifts: Month 1, the first 2 weeks (started week 9): 10, 8, 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 5 Month 1, the last 2 weeks (deload): 10, 8, 5, 1RM, 1, 1, 5 75% weight up until 1rep sets, 100% from there Month 2: 4x10 Month 3: 5x5


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