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In our present highly visual world where images on television, billboards, videos, as well as in most publications abound, there

has been a related impact on how we teach and learn. Utilizing an increasing variety of ways to reach students of all different learning styles, teachers can help their students to understand complicated concepts and remember them better by providing graphic tools such as comics as teaching and learning tools. Comic Book is defined as a booklet of words and pictures integrated into a flexible and powerful printed format (Witek 1989:3). According to the definition of comics at the DC's web page, "Variously referred to as comics, comic strips and comic books, the comics format as we know it today is a unique art form and literary medium that originated in the U.S. in the late 1800s.... At its simplest, a comic is a series of words and pictures that is presented in a sequential manner to form a narrative. The pictures in the comic book control the reader's interpretation of the words. The picture forces the reader to see what the writer wants him/her to see. Action lines and dialogue balloons allow the reader to hear the messages in their heads, thus inviting the reader into the make believe world of comic books. Using comics as a learning and teaching tool is slowly being utilized in health care today. The interaction of comics as a medium and the discourse of healthcare can foster patients interest in science and help patients remember what they have learnt more easily. Rarely do we see comics being used as a means to improve ones self-esteem. In the world of healthcare, it is uncanny and may show ambivalent results especially if it is read by an adult. In the case of a mastectomy where a whole breast is removed, it may entail psychological repercussions. It is a matter of life and death and the choices are limited. Numerous studies have involved mastectomy and its impact on self-esteem and self-concept. Majority of results show that women suffer from a decreased self-esteem and disturbed body image. It affects you not only physically, but also mentally and emotionally. Many women feel like a vital part of them has been taken away, and their self-esteem suffers as a result. If these feelings arent resolved, they can lead to depression and other issues (Gail, 2011).

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