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Assignment 2

Flow chart

Problems in AS-IS Process Maintenance of card of members. Maintenance of the record/ information of 300 members manually. Generating reports manually of 300 members and suppliers makes the job of librarian job monotonous. In case if card of a member is lost it became hard to find the root cause for the library personnel. Hard to find from the compile of paper data as to which book is issued and which is not.


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Assignment 2
Analyst interview questions with the librarian. Analyst- Is the present is well organized, if not than give suggestion? Analyst- what are the major problems in current (Manual) system? Analyst- If a newly computerized system is developed than are you able to handle the system? Analyst- what kind of work is reduced if a new system for library is developed? Analyst- Any recommendation/suggestion that you want to make to make the system efficient? Analyst Interview with customer Are you satisfied with the library service? How many books do you issue in a month? Do you have any suggestions for the librarys current system? What kind of books do you usually like to read? Any suggestions? Problems which you are facing? Questionnaire for staff: Are you satisfied with current system? Number of books available? Number of publishers attached to the library? Handling work manually is difficult? Number of customers visiting daily? Number of book get issued daily? Any idea which you think will help?
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Assignment 2
Questionnaire for customers: Are you satisfied with the service provided? Is handling the card is difficult? Is issuing book is a time consuming process? Number of books you refer monthly? Number of books you issue on monthly basis? Is availability of books is good? Any suggestions?


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