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March 25, 2013

Dear Family and Friends, We hope this letter finds each of you well and that the new year is proving to be a good one. Our family has faced a few changes and challenges this year, but God continues to be faithful in so many ways. Caitlyn is close to finishing up her first year of Law School at Ole Miss. Ben is thriving as a sophomore pursuing a Psychology Degree at UGA. Allison is pursuing a career in Cosmetology and has just moved in to her first real place that she calls her own . Will is a Junior at Stratford Academy, is active with Vineville United Methodist Youth, playing soccer and learning guitar. Madison is a freshman in High School and is playing on a travel softball team, as well as the HS Golf Team. Finally, Jack is in Middle School, active with a Boy Scout Troop and enjoying the role of Technology Guru for all of us less savvy, technology-challenged family members (ie. Edrick and me). We attend Cornerstone Church, a non-denominational church in Americus, GA. Madison is active in the youth group there and is continuing to grow in her faith through the many outreach activities and ministries within the church. God is sustaining me through this busy season of life, alternating responsibilities between my home in Macon and our home in Andersonville. I am blessed to be a part of two wonderful small groups of women (one in each town). It is through the study of His Word that my faith and spiritual journey is taking flight. Edrick is strong and steady, as always, working hard to provide for all of us and to be the faithful leader of this family. With all of this said, we want to share with you a challenging ministry opportunity that God has presented to us. From June 22 through June 29, 2013, we have been offered the opportunity to go to the Dominican Republic with the youth group from Cornerstone Church. This 7-day mission trip is sponsored through YWAM (Youth With A Mission), who focuses their missions on providing shelter, counseling community led projects, and encouraging church growth through evangelistic programs. Our trip will consist of reaching out and spreading the gospel, while also learning more about the people in this area of the world and their culture. While we felt God was opening up a door for us to develop a greater heart of compassion for His people around the world, we must be truthful and share with you our reluctance (at first)

to consider such a venture. With all that our family has going on, we pondered the idea with an expectant heart, but at the same time a doubtful one. Our emotions have teetered between excited anticipation for what God was placing on our hearts, and fearful worry for how we would accomplish this. It is only through much prayer and with Gods persuasive encouragement that we have decided as a family to send Will, Madison, and me. What God so gently breathed into us was the realization that God can and will provide our way. We just have to trust in Him. There are several ways you can help and we would greatly appreciate any or all of them! First, you can pray for us; specifically that God will prepare our hearts for this visit and bless our efforts as we minister to the people of the Dominican Republic. We will also need prayers that our financial needs will be met. The total cost for our family will be around $4,500. Our Youth Group has hosted several fundraisers over the past months to raise money and the team will benefit from these efforts. However, if you would consider a monetary donation to offset the specific costs that our family will incur, you can do so by mailing your check, made payable to Cornerstone Church, to Edrick or Michelle Hood, 399 GA Hwy 271, Andersonville, GA 31711. We request all funds by May 15th (if possible). Please make sure your full name and address are on your check and a tax deductible donation receipt will be sent to you from the church. Also list our names/DR Missions on the check. Whether you feel led to contribute financially, through prayer, or both, all of your support is greatly appreciated! We look forward to seeing how God chooses to use our Youth Mission Team at Cornerstone Church and we thank you for your support in our efforts. If you have any questions about our sponsor, please visit, or feel free to contact Michelle at 478960-5003 or Edrick at 229-942-2877. Also, we would be happy to meet with you in person if you would like to talk with us more. Please let us know. Again, we thank you for your time and consideration. Blessings, Michelle Hood Madison Hood Will Bowdoin

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