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Blissful Paradox by Aufie Zophy

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Aufie Zophy(18 October 1964) Poet's Page Biography Poems Comments Stats E-Books Message to the poet

Poems by Aufie Zophy : 24 / 144 prev. poem next poem

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Add this poet to MyPoetList What do you think this poem is about? Early Dinner

The setting sun is struggling to fight the darkness, but is slowly giving in A magic light red cloud in the sky shines through crowns of casuarinas majestically dancing on the rhythm of the cool evening breeze The fading red light accentuates the silhouettes of crisscrossing bats, looking for an early dinner Aufie Zophy I saw Ghandi fighting The strongest of holy wars While turning his cheek A fight on the highest possible plane I read the speech I have a dream Another warrior for justice Non-violence was his creed Another holy war while turning cheek The contradiction is only fake, We have to fight injustice With all the might we can But on the highest plane. Jesus: turn your other cheek Mohammed: fight a holy war Paradoxical so it seems Who is wrong and who is right? A question that has bothered me For so long until one day I saw the movie, Gandi It solved it straight away I saw Ghandi fighting The strongest of holy wars While turning his cheek A fight on the highest possible plane I read the speech I have a dream Another warrior for justice Non-violence was his creed

Another holy war while turning cheek The contradiction is only fake, We have to fight injustice With all the might we can But on the highest plane. Fighting a holy war While turning cheek Winning is the only outcome Indeed a blissful paradox Aufie Zophy

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