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With minds open hearts open...

What was India five hundred years back ?? Yes, it was the land of Rich Empires and plenty of natural resources. On the darker side It was the land where people fought among themselves for power, it was the same land where society continuously oppressed women, where Caste system prevailed and education was for only few privileged society, and the worst of all it was the land were people believed in superstional beliefs like Sati Sahagamana. The condition was similar in most parts of world, people were fighting for power over other people, slavery, racial discriminations. People were not ready to accept the change for better just because of their ignorance because of which many thinkers of society and leaders had to sacrifice their life.It was just due to lack of open mindedness and open hearts. It was for this open mindedness many great leaders have fought for like Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson mandela, RajaRam Mohan Roy,etc Now the things have changed and we are living in a better India, seeing a better world around. This was possible only due to acceptance of change for better, continuous learning and understanding the rights of the fellow beings.It is the open mindedness among the people which brought this change. Open mindedness people have started seeing similarities also apart from differences and destroyed the barriers of colour, creed, caste, gender because of which people are having healthy relationships between them, loving each other, showing brotherhood. This is the sign of hearts open.It is when the hearts open people understand each other, feel the pain for others, share things with others. Though we have come a long path successfully and living better, some social barriers have not removed yet. Women are still being dominated by men, religious differences are taken into account, poor are illtreated. These differences can only be addressed with open hearts, which is only possible if we understand eachother's practices with open minds. Open mind destructs the thought of differences and finds the similarities between eachother which leads to open our heart for the fellow beings and we start understand them. It is only after this change we can make this world a better place to live in. So, let us all open our minds, see the similiarities let us all open our hearts, understand the differences. We can make the peace prevail everywhere this way.

Sincerely, Abdul Basith, The Laurel High School.

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