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Chapter 11 Out, Out- Robert Frost The reason I chose this poem is because it was clear and to the

point. I prefer poems that are easy to read and understand. Question 1: Frost makes the buzz-saw appear sinister by writing As if to prove saws knew what supper meant, Leaped out at the boys hand. Those around the boy seem to be people who were called to help the boy, such as doctors. They do not seem to care that he has died because they watch him die and turned to their affairs. Chapter 12 The Workbox Thomas Hardy This poem is written in a way that I had to read over twice to get the idea of the poem. I like this poem because of the details the author used; it allows you to see what the author wanted you to see. Chapter 13 Grass Carl Sandburg This poem uses words that allow seeing a setting but the meaning is something else. In this poem it uses grass to show time, saying grass covers all. Question 1: The five pronouns are all places that experienced a lot of death. The readers needs to understand time, and how people forget important times and that can allow it to happen again. Allusion: An allusion is an indirect reference to any person, place, or thing. An allusion is used to save space. In Grass the term grass is used in place of time, in lines 7-9 it writes Two years, ten years, and passengers ask the conductor: What place is this? Where are we now?. This shows the meaning of the poem without using the term time directly.

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