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ESTEFANA SALGADO JAUREGUI What did you do on Monday?

I got up at 4: 30 am, I took a shower, I didnt have a breakfast because was too late, I had to run to the bus; I took the bus to the university. The first class of the day was English, in this class I learned about kinds of food and past simple. When this class finished (at 7:30) I looked for a computer to do homework, I went to the computer room, but a watchman told me that there wasnt internet in entire university. I went to Manuel Ancizar and I found a friend, I spoke with him until 9:00 am, in this time I had another class (stratigraphy) until 11:00 am when this class finished I returned home and I had lunch with my mom. In the afternoon I did my English homework, and study stratigraphy. At 7:00 pm I had a coffee and sandwich. After dinner I continued studying and finally at 11:00 pm , I went to bed.

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