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Adaptive Writing and Evaluative Commentary Checklist My Text A.

I must Define the audience Establish the purpose Clarify the setting/context Identify the language features specific to the specified genre and mode (spoken, written or multimodal) Include essential material/ideas from the source text/s Modify, add, omit, retain linguistic features from the source texts/justify Keep the style (tenor) consistent Maintain coherence

Linguistic features which can be used in different ways (and be clear about the purpose/effect) Sentence types - simple, compound, complex, compound/complex, minor Thematic choices what is foregrounded? Marked/unmarked theme Mood choices: declarative, interrogative, imperative, exclamative Modality: interpersonal language choices pronouns, modals and modal adjuncts - where is text on solidarity/power continuum Lexis and morphology formal/informal, (register of lexis ), technical or non-technical, morphology to suit audience/purpose and setting (eg compounds, blends, neologisms, acronyms, initialisms) , denotative or connotative vocabulary, Mode of address How is cohesion developed?- lexical, grammatical cohesion, repetition, substitution, ellipsis, collocation Syntax- construction of noun groups/nominalisation (pre/post modification, adjectivals, determiners, noun types-proper, common, concrete, abstract) Verb groups (tense, voice, aspect, ) , types of processes (material, verbal. mental, relational), adverbials Types of conjunctions and connectives Clause structures: parataxis or hypotaxis


My evaluation should: explain/justify changes I made in linguistic choices in terms of new PAC in relation to linguistic features in the source texts 1

evaluate my text in terms of its effectiveness what worked well/did not work well in terms of fulfilling the purpose of the task /text type , and why (check against A) include material/ideas from the source texts. Give specific examples from my text and the source texts to support comparative analysis

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