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Classical Mythology Name________________ Quiz 6 Spring 2013

1. Which divinity is most similar to Achilles? a. b. c. d. Agamemnon Apollo Athena Hephaestus

2. Who stands on the walls of Troy and identifies members of the Greek army? a. b. c. d. Athena Helen Odysseus Priam

3. Who nearly kills Paris in a duel? a. b. c. d. Achilles Agamemnon Idomeneus Menelaus

4. How is Demeter in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter similar to Achilles in the Iliad? a. b. Both lose their daughter. Both symbolize fertility.

c. d.

Both feel rage. Both quarrel with Agamemnon.

5. Why does Zeus send Agamemnon a dream instructing him to attack Troy? a. Zeus wants to honor Achilles by setting up Agamemnon for failure. b. opportunity. c. Achilles Zeus supports the Greeks against the Trojans and sees an Zeus loves Agamemnon and wants him to succeed while refuses to fight.

d. Zeus has been persuaded by Athena, who supports Agamemnon, to urge an attack.

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