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Useful Turkish phrases

A collection of useful phrases in Turkish. Click on the English phrases to see them in many other languages. Key to abbreviations: sg = singular (said to one person), pl = plural (said to more than one person), inf = informal English Welcome Hello How are you? I'm fine, thanks. And you? Long time no see What's your name? My name is ... Where are you from? I'm from ... Pleased to meet you Good morning Good afternoon Good evening Good night Goodbye Good luck Cheers/Good health! Have a nice day Bon appetit Bon voyage I don't understand Please speak more slowly Please write it down for me Do you speak Turkish? Yes, a little Excuse me How much is this? Sorry Thank you Turkish (Trke) Ho geldin (sg) Ho geldiniz (pl/frm) Merhaba, Selam, yi gnler Alo, Efendim (on the phone) Naslsnz? (frm) Naslsn? (inf) yiyim teekkr ederim, siz naslsnz (frm) yiyim saol, sen naslsn (inf) Ne zamandr/ka zamandr grmedik (see) Ne zamandr/ka zamandr haber yok (hear) sminiz nedir? (frm) Adn ne? (inf) smim ... (frm) Adm ... (inf) Nerelisin? (inf) Nerelisiniz? (frm) ...lym / ...liyim / ...den / ..dan Tantmza memnun oldum / Memnun oldum Gnaydn Tnaydn, yi gnler yi akamlar yi geceler Hoa kal yi anslar! erefe! (to honour) Saglna! (sg) Saglnza! (pl/frm) - to your health yi gnler! Afiyet olsun! yi yolculuklar! Gle, gle! Anlamyorum, Anlamadm Ltfen daha yava konuun Ltfen yaznz Trke biliyor musun? (inf) Trke biliyor musunuz? (frm) ok az Trke biliyorum Pardon, geebilirmiyim? (to get past) Pardon, bakarmsnz? (to get attention) Ne kadar? Pardon (inf) zr dilerim (frm) Teekkr ederim, ok teekkr ederim

Teekkrler, Saol, Saolun Response (You're welcome) Where's the toilet? This gentleman/lady will pay for everything Would you like to dance with me? I love you Get well soon How do you say ... in Turkish? Help! Fire! Stop! Call the police! Bir ey deil / Rica ederim Tuvalet nerede? Bu bey/bu hanm, her eyi deyecek

Bu dans bana ltfeder misiniz? (frm) Benimle dans eder misiniz? (inf) Seni seviyorum Gemi olsun Trke'de ... nasl denir? mdat! Yangn! Dur! Polis arn! yi Noeller ve Mutlu Yllar Merry Christmas yi seneler / Yeni ylnz kutlu olsun (Happy New Year) and Happy New Year Yeni ylnz kutlar, salk ve baarlar dileriz (We wish you a happy, healthy and successful new year) Paskalya bayramnz kutlu olsun Happy Easter (Note: most Turkish people are Muslims and do not celebrate Easter) Happy Birthday Doum gnn kutlu olsun Hoverkraftimin ici ylan bal dolu My hovercraft is full of eels One language is never enough Bir dil asla yeterli deildir

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