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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 5, 2013 CONTACT: Raymond Crawford darrd2010@gmail.

com 312-504-9222

The Old Oak Cliff Conservation League/ Working Films Reel Power/The Texas Theatre and Josh Fox Bring Myth-Piercing Documentary on Fracking GASLAND 2 to The Texas Theatre
Fox and Environmental Groups to Engage City of Dallas, Advocates and Policymakers to Protect Residents and Water Supply from the Dangers of Fracking Dallas, Texas August 27, 2013 Josh Fox, director of the 2011 Academy Award-nominated documentary Gasland, will attend a free screening of his upcoming film Gasland 2 on Friday, September 27th at the historic Texas Theatre at 231 W Jefferson Blvd ,75208 in Dallas. This event, which will be hosted by The Old Oak Cliff Conservation League/Working Films Reel Power/ The Texas Theatre and with support of many other local and statewide environmental groups, is one of many Gasland 2 screenings that Fox and environmental group leaders will attend since the nationwide July 8 premiere of Gasland 2 on HBO. Other screenings have been held in New York, California, Colorado, Pennsylvania and other states affected by hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. Dallas City Council District 1 council member, member Scott Griggs will personally welcome Josh Fox to the screening at The Texas Theatre, and will make opening remarks. Immediately following the film, a Q/A panel featuring Josh Fox will answer audience questions. The Old Oak Cliff Conservation League is the proud financial sponsor of this important event at the historic theater. Gasland 2 features real people ordinary Americans whose lives have been upended by the dirty and dangerous process of fracking. Fox said. Thats why Im working with environmental leaders and advocates across the country to protect our health, water, climate and landscapes and to prevent state and federal governments from allowing a path to destruction. We need to educate ourselves and our elected leaders and ban this toxic practice and move vigorously toward renewable energy. Gasland 2 demonstrates how the stakes have been raised in this controversial method of natural gas and oil extraction since the release of Gasland in 2010. At the Gasland 2 film screening, Fox will answer questions about the film and the misinformation about fracking that is distributed by the oil and gas industry. The Old Oak Cliff Conservation League/Working Films Reel Power and The Texas Theatre, with additional support by FracDallas, Dallas Area Residents for Responsible Drilling, ShaleTest, Earthworks, Sierra Club Dallas, Environment Texas., Texas Campaign for the Environment, Dallas League of Women Voters, Downwinders at Risk, Preston Hollow Democrats, Texas Honey Bee Guild, Dallas MoveOn, Climate Reality Leadership Corps, Code Pink, Dallas Homeowners League, chose to plan the screening with Fox to grow the anti-fracking movement in the U.S.

The recent Dallas City Council voted to deny all three of Trinity East Energy's applications to drill 60+ wells and install a compressor station/refinery next door to the new $31 million Elm Fork Soccer Complex in Dallas that has been at the forefront of the Dallas gas drilling debate. Soon after the film's showing on the 27th, the Dallas City Council is expected to vote and adopt a tougher gas ordinance that is currently being created by the Dallas Planning Commission .The current Dallas ordinance allows drill sites to be located 300 feet from homes and business. Over the past summer, the Dallas Planning Commission has met in a series of workshop format meetings to write the new ordinance that features substantially larger setback distances and air quality standards for all drilling activity inside Dallas city limits. Fox invites the public to, Watch the film, listen to the folks who tell their stories and open your eyes. Question how oil and gas industries have influenced our elected officials and government agencies. Fossil fuels not only pollute the climate: Their moneyed supporters can contaminate our democracy if we let them. The public is invited to attend this free event, which will take place at7 pm on September 27 at The Texas Theatre 231 W Jefferson Blvd ,75208 . While admission is free to the public, donations of any amount to the historic Texas Theatre are welcomed. While this event is free to the public, The Texas Theatre has chosen to use Eventbrite to keep track of those who wish to RSVP to ensure admission due to seating capacity. Please visit: to RSVP. For more information about Gasland 2 and the dangers of fracking, please visit Working Films Reel Power is a collaborative of high quality documentary filmmakers and cutting edge organizers who are part of the movement to address the long-term impact of destructive resource extraction and promote new energy solutions for a sustainable future. For more information about Working Film's Reel Power, please visit The following co sponsors of this one night only event will have representatives in the lobby before and after the film to meet with film goers to discuss the effects of shale gas drilling in urban areas such as Dallas and in other cities across the country. FracDallas Dallas Area Residents for Responsible Drilling ShaleTest Earthworks Texas Oil and Gas Accountability Project Sierra Club Dallas Environment Texas Texas Campaign for the Environment Dallas League of Women Voters Downwinders at Risk Preston Hollow Democrats Texas Honey Bee Guild Dallas MoveOn Climate Reality Leadership Corps Code Pink Dallas Homeowners League Dallas Residents At Risk Mountain Creek Neighborhood Alliance

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